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Are you looking to cop some cheap yeezys and not spend thousands for used sneakers on sites such as stock x? Yes? That’s what I thought. By reading this blog you will be given all of the necessary information required to best increase your chances of copping some cheap yeezys at release.

One thing to take into consideration is your internet speed. In a race the faster runner wins and copping yeezys is one of the most hyped sprints of all time. Imagine you select the pair you want, fill in your details, go to purchase and then… your internet starts lagging. That my friend is the biggest L you can take in the Yeezy copping game. Ask around and find which friends have the best internet, or even go to your local college if you have access to their facilities. Another option you have up your sleeve is to talk to your internet provider and get them to increase your speed, this will be costly but there are many instances where you are able to just change your internet package for a singe month then go back to your old plan.

If you want to go down the route of using a bot to score some cheap yeezys then I won’t stop you. But I completely understand if you are hesitant to do so due to moral reasons. What you can do though is ask for help from all your friends and family. They can be like your own personal bot farm. You know the saying “two heads are better than one” well grab a friend and make a day of it, you can set up a few computers and phones all ready to go for when the sneaker finally drops.

I wish you the best of luck on copping your favourite sneakers, may the yeezys be with you.


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