Unique Types of Lip Piercings

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Lip piercing is not just for those who are in danger of developing a bad tattoo or are desperate to have a cute and unique look on their lips. It is actually a versatile fashion trend that is worn by women of all ages. There are many ways to style a lip piercing without having to go through the pain and expense of getting one from scratch. Admittedly, lip piercing can be quite painful; so before jumping into the bandwagon, it is always best to consult a doctor first. Getting a lip piercing done and then adorning it with a beautiful piece of metal jewelry is, however, a unique fashion statement. There are basically two kinds of lip piercing that you can choose from. One is the use of a steel-ball closure ring; the other is the use of a ball closure clip, which is favored by many due to its trendy and edgy look. Some of the most popular styles include: This is perhaps the most common form of lip piercing. Because it requires little healing time, it is perfect for those who are afraid of getting implants because they might need more than a week to heal and recover from the pain. With this kind of lip piercing, the hole is usually made in your gums. You can get this kind of lip piercing done by a professional or you can do it yourself by using a sharp pair of dental picks. The healing time would vary based on the depth of the puncture. Snake piercing is another option you have. Snake jewelry, also known as cyber-jewelry, has gained popularity in recent years for its novel design and ease of use. A small metal clip is used to insert the jewelry, and there are different designs that include a flower or tribal design, or a Celtic knot. Some people who want a unique look opt for estrus piercing, which involves inserting the jewelry through the nostril. Because estrus piercing is a painful procedure, it may not be advisable for those with deep gums. Double perforation is another popular choice for angel bites lip piercing. In double perforation, a single hole is drilled into each lip. A tiny titanium ring is then inserted, and the upper hole is cut. The ring is tightened, and the lower hole is fixed with a tiny pin. The healing time for this method is between twelve weeks and six months. If you want a unique look, consider getting a vertical labret. There are many variations of this type of lip piercing, and you can choose from different materials and different lengths. A vertical labret with a bronze or gold ring is popular among many women. A labret made from soft silicone may also be an option. Whatever kind of lip piercing you get, it will look amazing when it is done right.


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