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One of the first and most well-known decentralised exchanges on the market is Uniswap Exchange.

You've come to the correct place if you want to explore the realm of decentralised finance (DeFi) but aren't sure which exchange to choose.

Everything about Uniswap will be covered in this article, including what it is, how it functions, and whether it is safe. Let's get started!


Uniswap is a multi-chain open-source decentralised exchange (DEX) that was initially constructed on top of the Ethereum blockchain.
As an automated liquidity protocol, there is no order book on the exchange; instead, liquidity is provided in a special fashion.
Anyone can advertise their token, trade it, own a stake in Uniswap, and take part in its governance.
Uniswap underwent multiple versions and is currently in its third (Uniswap V3).
With its UNI token ranking as the 19th largest cryptocurrency by market cap, Uniswap is now the largest AMM DEX.



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