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USP: Does Your Blog Have It?

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USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition. Everything which is created to attract a mass audience needs to have it. But does your blog have it? Or why it is important for your blog to have a USP? We will discuss what, why and how’s of the USP of your blog in this post.

Read about My journey as a blogger: Passion to Profession

What is the USP of a blog?

In simplest explanations, your voice is the USP of your blog. Have you ever wondered why people come and read your articles?

The same content may be available in millions of blog. But a certain number of people come and read. Never think that they come for the factual things. They come to listen to your opinions, your voice.

You stand out by writing in your voice and more than anything, allowing your personality to shine through your writing on the blog.

Why is it important to have the Blog USP?

Blogging without finding/having your USP is like to drive without light. Ask yourself, why are you blogging? It is just a hobby or you want to share your ideas, tips, and thoughts. If it is just to connect with the like-minded people or to make a full-fledged career out of it?

Having a USP not only helps your readers but it helps you. It helps you to find the purpose of your blogging.

When I decided to turn my blog into a business, I analyzed my skills. What do I do best? What should I write that would help my readers? Do I enjoy writing about writing and blogging? Do I have enough knowledge to write about my chosen niche?

Analyzing ruthlessly of my own skills and drawbacks gave me a clear picture of what should I write on my blog. It was important for me and my readers as it determined the course of my blog in the next two years.

There are millions of other blogs which deal with building your career in writing and blogging. Then why I get thousands of views every day? The answer is what my USP is. I write what I dealt as a new blogger. I answer those questions which were once on my mind but there was hardly an answer. I teach about real things. I offer practical things. And having my USP helped me in achieving those goals.

How can I determine my blog USP?

It is easy. Isn’t it? Start with asking yourself questions about what you want to do. Here is some analysis you should do to determine the USP of your blog.

Ask the questions as a reader. Ask why should YOU read your own blog? (Trust me, it solves half the problem.)
Most of the people read blogs to seek help/advice. What is the one skill you have that can help millions? It can be anything from knitting your socks to offering advice to new dads. You do not have to be expert, just share your knowledge.
Add your personality. Never go after the sheep. Write what you feel.
Add your personal experience. Nothing intrigues the audience than a good personal story.
People come to see you. Never hide behind fancy names or tips. Show what you are.

I hope this tips would help you to find your blog USP. What is your method to determine what your blog would be? Share with us!

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USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition. Everything which is created to attract a mass audience needs to have it. But does your blog have USP? Or why it is important for your blog to have a USP? We will discuss what, why and how’s of the USP of your blog in this post.

The post USP: Does Your Blog Have It? appeared first on My Writing, My World.


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