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As with different industries, wastewater treatment professionals know a lot about their field. When they are approached with a wastewater problem, they have a lot of questions, based on their knowledge and experience. They are fact-collecting, which is their number one priority. If you are considering contacting a wastewater treatment company, there are a few things you can do to be better prepared for that initial conversation. Here are 3 points to consider before picking up the phone or submitting that contact form.

Wastewater treatment companies are fact-finders. When you speak to a water treatment professional initially (over email or the phone), they will want to know a few basic facts about your water:

  • What do you manufacture or the known contaminants in your wastewater? They would want to know the basic effluent parameters like – pH, TDS, TSS, etc.
  • Flow rate or the quantity of effluent your unit is producing on daily basis.
  • Current treatment methods (the chemicals and equipment used)
  • Your goals or specific problems.
  • Area available for the Effluent Treatment Plant, Sewage Treatment Plant or, basically, Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Wastewater treatment companies are water geeks. They love water and the science of treating it. That means they are also eager to explain anything to you that is unfamiliar. They know that water science is not a widely understood field. You will likely have questions about your water problems. Be prepared with those questions, as they will have the answers. Be aware, however, that they will not be willing to give you certainty until after they've analyzed your water. If they are a reliable industrial water treatment professional, they will tell you so. A treat ability

study on your water is the only reliable way for them to gather the data they can use to provide real answers.

Wastewater treatment companies are problem solvers. The best way to start a lively and productive conversation with a water treatment professional is to tell them what your water problems are. If you don't have any problems, per se, but you do have a goal, tell them the goal. Goals and problems are handled in the same way: as a challenge to find the right solution to meet the need.

You may be able to provide this information in the initial contact form, you may be asked these questions verbally, or you may be presented with a form to complete when you submit your water sample for analysis.

If you prepare for your initial contact with an industrial wastewater treatment company with these 3 points in mind, it should lead to a quick and productive first meeting. Keep in mind, that not all water treatment companies are created equal. Before you interact with any company, make definite you have found a company that you think can serve your requirements. When you can find the right company, you will never need to worry about your water again.

UY Trienviro is ready to provide you with the best wastewater treatment for any industry. Call us now or fill out this form for your wastewater needs. A form below: