1. Health

Various Poses Of Yoga For Strength And Flexibility

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Your body’s flexibility is of utmost importance. It is because a flexible body keeps different kinds of pains at bay. Flexibility provides strength to the body and also promotes a range of motions. Flexibility is also essential for joint health and keeps back pain, sports injuries, and repetitive-use damage at bay.

You can try yoga for strength and flexibility and notice a positive change in your range of motion and overall flexibility of the body. Here are the top poses that promote flexibility at best.

Intense Side Stretch

Also known as Parsvottananasana, this bend stretches your hips, spine, and legs also and adequately benefits your balance, posture, and digestion. You can stand with your left foot in front facing forward and your right foot back. Square both the hips and face forward. Placing your hands on the hips, bend at them and fold your torso forward. Drop your hands down to the floor and hold this pose for 30 seconds. Repeat.

Head to knee

It is one of the best poses of yoga for strength and flexibility and is suitable for all levels. Also known as Janu Sirsasana, it increases blood flow in your lower abdomen. All you need to do is sit on the yoga mat and extend your right leg. Next, press your left foot into the inside of the thighs and inhale with your arms raised overhead. Next, exhale and bend at your hips such that you are folding forward toward your outstretched leg. Place hands on the floor and hold the pose for 1-2 minutes. Repeat.


This pose works well for improving your flexibility and mobility in your neck, core, spine, and shoulders. Start with all fours by putting your wrist under the shoulders and your knees under the hips. Keep your weight balanced and even across your body and inhale such that your belly falls on the floor. Raise the chest and chin as the abdomen moves downward. Exhale by pressing into your hands to round the spine up towards the ceiling. Continue it for one minute.


We hope that the above-listed poses of yoga for strength and flexibility help you reach your goals of attaining optimum flexibility. Try them now.


About the Author:

Yownn Yoga is a yoga and wellness company for career women. Working women’s have a lot on their plate and don’t often have time for self-care, leading to stress. Yownn Yoga aims to bring convenience to career-oriented women’s wellness by meeting them exactly where they are, whether in person or online, or where ever fitness level they may be. We offer in-person yoga classes & online yoga classes for beginners and intermediate practitioners as well as private classes.