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Why Businesses Should Offer Video Chat Support

1. Keeps You Ahead Of The Trend

Integrating live Elite Agency video chat on the website has still got the first-mover’s advantage. With many businesses still stuck experimenting with communications tools such as live chat, there are very few combining the power of real-time chat services and video.

In fact, research by Aberdeen claims that “38 percent of leading CX experts are currently using a live chat to deliver instant support.”

So video live chat has not gained a lot of traction in the ecommerce sector yet, despite the multi-dimensional advantages it poses, particularly for sales and customer experience support. Leverage Angajari video chat services with live chat and you’ve got a golden opportunity to raise your CX quality through the roof.

The Learning: Any ecommerce business that’s looking to stay a cut above the rest should invest in a robust video live chat tool to boost their customer experience and boost sales simultaneously.

2. Enables A Better Way Of Communication

Not being able to reach a real person when customers need one of the more frustrating struggles of the customer service experience. Not so surprisingly, 91 percent of customers would simply leave a brand without complaining when things like these happen!

Video live chat offers a great resolution to the problem. Like many visually driven communication mediums, video live chat allows for interactive, personalized, and real-time conversations between brands and customers. It’s one of the most effective upselling techniques as well.

Plus, if your customer experience support has certain guidelines in place and requires customers to first send photos of damaged products or complaint emails to get the issue resolved, using video live chat can help. This enhances the overall user experience and helps build brand trust and confidence in the user.

The Learning: Save on the time-consuming process of email/phone communication and simply get on a video call to address the issue within seconds!

3. Helps Cut Down on Customer Service Touch-Points

According to research by HubSpot, any avid online shopper will typically face the following pain points when shopping online:

  • The frustration of having to explain the same issue to different executives–a problem that rattles 33 percent of customers.
  • Waiting on hold for what seems like an eternity bothers 33 percent of customers.
  • Slow and sluggish response times trouble 19 percent of customers.
  • Going through varied touch-points (think: phone, email, etc.) to get their query resolved or not being able to resolve the issue online at all, according to 14 percent of the customers.

So how can video live chat help?

Basically, it acts as a one-stop tool that offers contextual, instant, faster, and centralized support to customers at the click of a button (quite literally). It helps agents to:

  • Diagnose the root cause of the customer’s problem and provide relevant and contextual solutions in the first go, thereby lowering the number of touch-points required
  • Solve complex technical issues that require visual understanding with relative ease (think: troubleshooting software issues, assisting in transactional queries)

For instance, let’s say a customer wants to buy plywood for his room but wants to see the right shade.

Using video live chat can accurately and instantly help them make a choice, without them leaving their home. All in all, customers can have an apex user experience!

The learning: All customers have to do is hop on a video call and resolve their issues, without the annoying back-and-forth that usually happens.

4. Empowers Businesses To Stand Out From Your Competitors And Reduce Costs

With the help of video live chat, long wait queues and angry customers hanging up will become a thing of the past.

There are numerous ways in which video live chat can turn out to be the edge your business, as well as your customer reps, need. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Solving complex or really specific customers issues that require video guidance (think: offering product demos)
  • Analyzing customer’s queries within seconds
  • Streamlining customer support options and reducing communication touch-points to boost user satisfaction and loyalty
  • Reducing costs due to lower number of customer support touch-points
  • Driving real-time interactions and deeper client relationships–an experience that customers actively desire today

The learning: Video live chat has the potential to emerge as your business’s key USP and empower your brand to take your customer experience to the next level.

5. Knit Feedback With Customer Support

Ecommerce businesses typically spend a lot of time, effort, and money on product descriptions, and to assist users in making the right selection.

Video and co-browsing features have an edge over-reactive channels such as phone and email when it comes to answering your customer’s specific questions.

Here are a few ways in which video live chat can help:

  • Your customer experience team can leverage the feedback and reviews that the customers provide during the video call to improve on the product or enhance the user experience.
  • You can use the recorded video conversations to engage in quality assurance (QA), measure the team’s performance, collate feedback on focus areas to improve, and boost your team’s productivity.
  • The video call recordings can also offer guidance on how to better handle customer conversations. This includes providing feedback on the team’s communication skills as well as the overall performance.
  • Finally, you can use the video recordings to brainstorm ways to provide more customized support.

The learning: Video live chat recordings can be used for auditing the conversations between customers and agents.

This can vastly help to monitor team performance, improve areas of weakness, gather customer insights, and integrate real-time user feedback – all of which can collectively elevate the customer experience.

6. Offers Greater Opportunities For Upselling & Cross-Selling

Your customer experience rep is on a video call with a customer. The rep quickly solves the problem after identifying the issue.

The customer is impressed with this quick solution. All the rep has to do is take advantage of this positive experience and turn it into a selling opportunity.

The CX rep can share the latest deals before closing the call. He can talk about ongoing promotions, the latest discounts, new product arrivals based on customer interest. There are endless opportunities for upselling here!

Sp video calls not only help you solve customer problems, but also add value to your overall sales. How cool is that!

The learning: With video and audio becoming more and more mainstream in selling products on social media channels, you’ll see a lot of brands including videos along with images on product pages. We can safely say that the impact of video is on a different level.

Just think about the impact created by a dedicated executive solving your customers’ problems, and then educating them about a product on a personal level.

By integrating video live chat directly into your website, you can leverage a great opportunity to up-sell and cross-sell products, starting with your loyal customer base. They don’t even have to visit the websites and scroll through the details.



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