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What is an SEO writing example.

Now that you know the tactics required to optimize your content using SEO, here are some great examples you can take inspiration from.

3 Tips to Build More Trust

Here are some of my best tips to help you build more trust on your site:

  1. Be patient: Trust isn’t something that happens overnight. Sometimes, you just need to be patient and realize Google isn’t in any hurry to crawl your site. One way you can get them to do it sooner is by making slight changes on the site and requesting indexing in Google Search Console. This will push Google to act, but it still doesn’t guarantee anything.
  2. Understand intent: A big part of SEO marketing is understanding what users want, not what you want them to want. When someone searches for something in Google, they’re looking to accomplish something. If you provide that solution, make sure you provide the whole solution; otherwise, they’ll get to your site, realize it’s not good enough, and move on.
  3. Give them what they want: One great tip to prevent users from bouncing is to give them what they want as soon as they land on your site. Most people aren’t looking to read an entire article, instead, they want an answer, and the sooner you give it to them, the better.


The importance of a solid link profile will vary from expert to expert. I still believe links are one of the most important ranking factors Google has for you.

One problem a lot of SEOs have is they don’t understand how to do it the right way. If you use the wrong tactics, you’re setting yourself up for failure from the beginning. If you choose to take the long-term strategy and build links the right way, it might take a bit longer, but you’ll thank yourself down the road.

Elements of Link Building

Here are the most important factors to consider when building links for your site:

Link Quality

While links are not everything, when looking at links, their quality is everything. It matters much more than the number of links you have. Building quality backlinks is about reaching out to the right sources and offering value in exchange for a solid link. There are many ways to build links the right way, so Google pays those who do it correctly.

Most people only look at the total number of links, but that’s a huge mistake for a few reasons:

  • Search engines might ignore the vast majority of links if they’re low-quality or spammy.
  • Links from brand new sites are worth more than repeat links from existing sites.
  • Links from other websites are worth more than a bunch of links from your own site (from one page to another).

How do you identify a bad link from a good link?

Google expects the links you get pointing to your site to be relevant. Going over to Fiverr and purchasing a gig that offers 10,000 links for $100 isn’t going to yield the results you expect. They’re going to be crappy profile links on things like Myspace and Soundcloud, which probably aren’t relevant to your niche.

Some of these sites may charge you to guest post on their site in exchange for a link. Google doesn’t like this because it becomes easy for those with a big bank to game the system.

The goal of link building is for Google to reward those who provide value in exchange for a link. You want to write a guest post on a site with people interested in your expertise.

The site you choose to write a guest post for should also have traffic of its own. When the site has traffic, that’s going to flow more link juice in your direction since people are actually seeing what you’re contributing.

Anchor Text

Anchor text is the text used beneath the link. The goal is for the text to appear as naturally as possible in the article. You want to have a variety of different types of anchor text because they each have their own place in the SEO realm.

The one thing you don’t want to do is have a bunch of text that says “click here” pointing to your site. Instead, if you wrote an article about raised garden beds and you’re trying to get a link to it, you might want the anchor text with a link on it to actually say “raised garden beds.” Doing this helps tell Google more about what is to come when someone clicks through.


Number of Links

Lastly, the number of total links you have matters as well, and you need to build high-quality backlinks at scale over time.

We already touched on this, but it bears repeating: It’s not just total links you’re after. At the end of the day, the site with the most high-quality links will usually have a better edge. However, it also depends on the pages you’re getting links to. Links to your homepage are good, but most natural links won’t be to a homepage unless they’re mentioning your brand name specifically.



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