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Groundbreaking VisionPro device running on VisionOS is more than a mixed reality device. It actually is a “Spatial computing device” that enables users to interact with digital items in a more human and natural way. We at Agicent VisionOS App Development Company believe that this is going to disrupt the market in more ways than what iOS and iPhone did around 2 decades back.

Agicent VisionOS – The future of App development

VisionOS offers unique features like navigation through eyes, hands, voice/ speech blended with immersive reality and virtual reality makes sure that possibilities of creating amazing productivity, entertainment, healthcare, educational and industrial apps are endless. The way we interact with software and apps is going to change completely from here on. According to MarketsandMarkets Stats report Spatial Computing market size is going to be 280.5 billion by 2028 with a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 23.4%, and it can grow higher than this rate too.

Agicent VisionOS App development company is now 100% capable to create amazing Apps exclusively for VisionPro devices or to port your existing apps onto VisionOS with the flavor of Spatial features!

VisionOS App Development Services by Agicent

We’ve started learning and honing our skills on VisionOS from the day it was launched in 2023 and now when the device is actually here, we are getting overwhelming requirements for our VisionOS App development services and we offer a complete spectrum of services which are useful for all sizes of projects and startups.

VisionOS App Discovery Session & Consulting Service

In this step, we understand your product vision and the market you want to cater. We gather all your requirements (feature list, use-case, goal, monetization methods and goals, integrations, future vision etc) and consult you on the best features for the MVP or for full product, and also do a competitor analysis to let you know the gaps in the market and propose you the best possible solution. We also lay out a scope of the work and provide you either a fixed price estimation for the VisionOS App development or offer you a dev team on month-on-month basis with these pricing plans.

You can book a Free VisionOS App Discovery Session from here.

VisionOS Apps Design, Wireframes, Prototyping Service

In this step, we convert your feature list into visual design and wireframes. This is the most crucial step among all others as whatever we are going to launch in the market is visualized and finalized here. We closely coordinate with you at this stage, figure out what kind of target market we have and what type of design would they like, and then create the design and simulate that like a clickable prototype or a demo video like this example.

We send these design visualizations for your feedback and approval and do as many iterations as you want and once approved we proceed towards the actual development.

Tech Architecture and Coding Phase: Agile Sprints

Once design is approved, we create the tech architecture to achieve what we have visualized in terms of the design and functionality. And the next step is coding the VisionOS App using SwiftUI, ARKit, Unity, Xcode, ComposerPro tech stacks as well as backend technologies like Node.js, MongoDB or likes.

We create the tech architecture keeping a larger future vision in mind so the MVP VisionOS App we develop today assuming a small number of users, should be scaled easily and quickly to cater millions of the users and more advanced features and also leave a lot of room for future integrations with different technologies. Usually our CTO and Engineering leads do the architecture job.

The whole project is broken down into small feature bunches and then the Weekly Agile Sprints are scheduled to achieve those features week by week. Every weekend a progressive Ad Hoc VisionOS App build is released for testers and clients for the UAT. Any bugs or enhancements are noted down and added with the next week’s dev sprint and the build is shipped to either live or test server depending upon your priorities.

Adhoc Distribution and Final go-live

During the development phase, the visionOS App is distributed across a private network (of clients, early users/ testers, dev teams) as an Adhoc build that we create using Apple’s guidelines and protocols on its iTunes connect ecosystem integrated with the Xcode and other tech stacks associated with the VisionOS App Development.

The final App store submission is done when the Dev cycle is complete and you give us a go ahead to go live. We do the whole job for you.

The whole solution is also ported onto the live cloud server and infrastructure using our DevOps experts.

VisionOS App Maintenance, Enhancements, Upkeep

Once the first version goes live, you can either switch to the maintenance phase for the upkeep of the VisionOS App or can go about launching further features for enhancements. Our Dev and maintenance plans start from as low as $2900 mo and sometimes even lesser if you only need under 100 hours of maintenance a month.

Like advanced mobile apps, VisionOS Apps also utilizes various third party APIs from user authentication to several other features like integration with maps, payment gateways, with other apps and backend and all such APIs launch new updates very frequently and hence the VisionOS app will have to be updated accordingly. Also the VisionOS itself is in its nascent stage right now and we can expect at least 10 major or minor OS upgrades this year and for which a regular support & maintenance service will be required.

By offering Development, Design, Marketing, Maintenance, Porting services we make ourselves as you one stop VisionOS App Development Company.

VisionPro App Porting Services

Here we work to make your existing web app or mobile app to be absolutely compatible and oriented towards the new VisionPro Devices and VisionOS Operating system. You can leverage your existing product and user base and scale them for VisionOS VisionPro devices.

We’ll consult you in identifying which features can be ported onto VisionOS as is and which ones need to be made compatible and adaptable to the visionOS unique spatial features.

In most of the existing mobile apps, voice gesture commands and eye commands will be added as a go-to features when it comes to porting on to the visionOS and then more options can be added as the app grows.

Case Studies and VisionOS Apps in different industries


A 3d inspection of the product that you’re going to buy with the real sounds and narration is just the beginning of how the online shopping experience is going to change. With the blend of AI with mixed reality, we are working on apps where you not only have a 360 degree look of a physical product but also you can do live questions and answers with the fellow consumers, existing buyers and the AI sales team of the sellers also take trials especially in case of apparels and shoes.


Well it is already happening, and everyone having a VisionPro device will have their own personalized large screen cinema that they can resize too! Online content consumption in mixed reality is the main firsthand experience that users are getting on VisonPro devices. All your favorite apps are coming compatible with VisionOS and soon VisionOS unique VR/ AR apps will be coming as well.


source : https://www.agicent.com/visionos-app-development