Visit Bliss Laser Skin Clinic to get treatment for skin allergy and other general concerns. Skin allergy refers to the irritated skin caused by an immune response to some foreign substance that is usually harmless. An allergic reaction on the skin can result in skin rashes, itching, dryness, redness, swelling, burning, hives, and bumps. Common skin allergies include eczema or atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, hives/urticaria, and angioedema. To diagnose skin allergy the dermatologist in Ludhiana at Bliss Laser Skin Clinic, conducts tests such as skin prick tests, specific IgE blood tests, intradermal skin tests, and patch tests are performed. Most skin allergies are treated by relieving the symptoms using medicines or avoiding a known allergen. For more information about skin allergy treatment, pay a visit to Bliss Laser Skin Clinic and get a consultation from the best skin specialist in Ludhiana.