As a reputed acupuncturist, I often get mails for comprehensive consultations for severe neck pain, with stiffness and cramped mobility. In these scenarios, I know the patient is looking for immediate pain relief. And before they contact me they have normally tried everything such else such as a chiropractor without any recovery.
What to expect at an acupuncturist visit:
As soon as the patient is entered into the room, I start the interview with some questions such as how long has he had the pain, how this pain begins, etc. I assess the blood pressure, and if the blood pressure is not too high or too low, I do a physical checkup. I then place needles in the patient's ears to help them repose and allow the body to accept treatment easily.
After that, I apply sliding cupping and explain to the patient all advantages that they will get from this modality. Being a reliable acupuncturist for neck pain in NJ, I elaborate on the side effects such as bruises that may occur from cupping. The patient is usually persuasive for the treatment by this point so they achieve pain relief as soon as possible.
Following that my team introduces olive oil on the affected area and start to massage painful area, after that, I apply cups and leave them there for a few minutes. Then lightly I move them through the affected parts for several minutes. After removing cups and cleaning treatment areas, the next thing is acupuncture. Then we apply needles in the affected areas of neck, hands, legs, and feet. I use a lamp along with some electro stimulation attached to needles in the painful area. Turning on calming music, switching off lights, I leave the needles in place for about 25-30 minutes.
When we check in on the patient, we usually find a much more satisfied person, but they still may not be sure they will get any results with the treatment (since lying in one position without moving does not show any results yet).
When you’re on a look for an acupuncturist for neck pain in NJ, make sure you don’t forget to check the past record, customer experience, and how a particular practitioner treats his patients.
Removing the electro-stimulation equipment, turning off the lamp, and removing needles are preparation for the big moment of truth. At first, the patient's movements are slow and wary, then a confident smile is a proof that the patient's pain level has improved.
If you’ve been looking for a Scotch Plains Chiropractor, we have some talented and knowledgeable ones in our team as well. We are a full-service rehabilitation clinic that focuses on treating and managing pain, injuries, and neurological issues of our patients.