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5 natural ways to have more energy (without caffeine)


Most people wake up in the morning and have a cup of coffee to fuel their day. For others, it is more of a regular practice and a source of comfort before the stress of the day begins.

Here's what the FDA says about coffee and energy drinks:

In the United States, 80 percent of adults consume caffeine every day – the average adult has an intake of 200 mg per day, which is the amount contained in two cups of coffee or four sodas.

A study conducted by seventh, eighth, and ninth graders in Ohio found that students ingested an average of 53 mg of caffeine per day, but nearly one in five students ingested more than 100 mg of caffeine per day.

The FDA classifies caffeine as a drug

Caffeine has been classified as a drug in addition to being an additive, according to the FDA. Furthermore, the world consumes it extensively. Although it is a highly addictive substance, in most cases it does not cause harm, so it is not regulated by the FDA.

However, like other drugs, caffeine can cause withdrawal symptoms and even lead to a substance use disorder, according to version 5 of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychological Association. Abusing caffeine, which can cause mental and physical symptoms, is classified as a substance use disorder.

Benefits of quitting caffeine:

These are some of the benefits we get from giving up caffeine:

  • Reduction of headaches (however, during the withdrawal period you may notice an increase in them).
  • Reduction of tension in the muscles.
  • Better concentration.
  • Feeling more alert in the morning.
  • -Reduction of feelings of restlessness.
  • More regular and healthy bowel movements.
  • Better regulation of sleep cycles.
  • Increased feeling and hunger and less cravings for junk food.
  • More balanced and healthy response to stress.

These are 5 natural ways to have more energy without caffeine

Besides the well-known morning coffee to boost our energy to start the day, there are other options, especially for those who want to give up caffeine.

1. Eat more foods that give you energy

The body is a lot like a car – you put the wrong type of fuel in it and it won't work very well (or it won't work at all). Watch your energy levels when you eat a whole foods diet compared to a processed food diet.

Most people see an energy boost when they stop processed foods and replace them with fresh, whole foods. If you want balanced energy throughout the day instead of the typical energy blocks of a high-sugar diet, research has shown that you should eat primarily whole grains and protein.

Both types of food offer a greater amount of energy because the body takes longer to break them down. You'll also want to eat lots of dark leafy greens. This will give your body all the minerals it needs to function optimally.

Fruits are important too, but eat them in moderation to avoid fatty liver and other health problems. Furthermore, nuts and seeds, as well as beans and legumes should also be part of your balanced diet.

Bring healthy snacks, like fruits and vegetables, to the office to avoid cravings or temptations to buy snacks from the vending machines.

2. Drink lots of water

It has been shown that most people today suffer from chronic dehydration. We are replacing water with other unhealthy drinks like energy drinks and coffee, which only increase dehydration

In fact, a study found that more than 10 percent of people who came to their doctor with discomfort from fatigue actually suffered from chronic dehydration.

If you know that you are not drinking enough water, make sure you have a refillable bottle with you so you don't get dehydrated. Avoid any other kinds of drinks for a while so you can see how you feel just by drinking water.

For example, instead of waking up and drinking coffee, drink a cup of warm lemon water. This will help your digestion, which will improve your energy levels. Experts recommend that women drink at least 9 cups of water a day, while men should drink at least 13.

3. Move your body!

Unfortunately, many people do not move enough during the day as our society has become more sedentary. With the advent of the Internet, this has led to more office work and less need for us to be active around the clock.

However, lack of exercise has been linked to a number of health problems, as our bodies were designed to move frequently. Exercise helps improve oxygen levels in the body, as well as release feel-good hormones that increase energy levels.

In addition, it reduces the risk of all kinds of diseases, including heart disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases. An oxygenated body prevents diseases, so exercise is essential for everyone. Get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 4 days a week.

4. Get enough sunlight

Today we spend much of our time indoors and depression levels are at an all-time high. When we lived more in tune with nature, we spent much more time outdoors. Spending time in nature is linked to general health improvements.

In fact, spending time in the sun helps your body produce vitamin D, which is linked to bone health and the functioning of the immune system. Also, going out more often helps you feel more vibrant and healthy. Try to expose yourself to the sun for at least 30 minutes a day, without any sunscreen. They block the absorption of vitamin D.

5. Take a nap

Naps aren't just for kids – adults can benefit from having a quick and powerful nap too. Adults probably need naps even more than children since we have so many more responsibilities to attend to.

Research has shown that naps can boost memory and increase alertness and energy levels. For a natural energy boost, try taking a 30-minute nap, but don't overdo it over time as it could backfire.

The prostate is a male gland located underneath the bladder and is about the size of a chestnut. In this cut section, you can see that part of the urethra is encased within the prostate gland. As a man ages, the prostate typically enlarges in size in a process called BPH, which means that the gland gets larger without becoming cancerous. The enlarged prostate crowds its anatomical neighbors, particularly the urethra, causing it to narrow. The narrowed urethra results in several of the symptoms of BPH. Symptoms may include a slowed or delayed start in urination, the need to urinate frequently during the night, difficulty in emptying the bladder, a strong, sudden urge to urinate, and incontinence. Less than half of all men with BPH have symptoms of the disease, or their symptoms are minor and do not restrict their life style. BPH is a normal physiological process of aging.



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