1. Food

Vitamin B12 Fruits That Your Child Should Consume

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The Vitamin B12 is an essential element for young kids. It aids in the growth & the overall development of the kid’s body. It is essential in developing healthy nerve cells. Moreover, the nutrient is required for producing sufficient quantities of RNA & DNA.

The nutrient also helps in the proper functioning of the body of children. Likewise, it is needed for regulating the homocysteine levels. That is why we have provided some of the best vitamin b12 fruits.

This makes it vital that kids, get sufficient levels of this nutrient.

What is Vitamin B12?

It is mainly found in animals, but can be substituted through fruits & vegetables as well. The fruits that we will be reading about contain sufficient amounts of this essential nutrient, and this helps in binding the protein in food.

Besides, it also actively blends with the other substances that are present inside the small intestine. Physicians have suggested different intakes for people of different ages. So, for kids, it will be slightly less than what is prescribed for adults.

Kids may need the right levels of this nutrient as they are growing. The good news is that this nutrient does not affect your body through its toxicity like some nutrients. It aids in the development of the food into energy.

Children need this nutrient to regulate the homocysteine levels in the blood. This is quite essential to ensure that their body works efficiently. Besides, it also helps with them being physically active throughout the whole day.

Why is Vitamin B12 Important?

The Vitamin helps in ensuring that your child has the right hair development.

This element aids in the development of the red blood cells.

The food nutrient is required for the skin as well.

The nutrient regulates the moods as well. It ensures that your kids do not have mood swings.

The element aids in preventing immune system disorders among children.

List of Fruits That Are Rich in Vitamin B12

We have put together a list of fruits that are rich in Vitamin B12. We have tried to broaden our search so that we include as many fruits as possible that can be useful for your children. While your kids might be already consuming these fruits, it is good to know some alternatives as well.


Apples were always going to be top on the list of the fruits that are rich in Vitamin B12. They contain several nutrients and elements that make them a must for growing kids. They are easily available in many stores & markets.

You can slice them, cut them, barbeque them, and even peel the skin off, and have them anytime of the day. You can also prepare them into pies and serve them to your children. Kids can have a whole medium-sized apple a day, if they want to. 


Next, we have the banana. They are a rich source of Potassium, Magnesium, and natural sugar as well. Did you know that infants have their first solids, in the form of the mashed banana? Besides, it contains a host of other essential nutrients as well.


Blueberries are a form of berry that is rich in a wide range of nutrients. You can give one or two servings for your kids. This fruit can help you regulating the weight, improve digestion, and reduce the stress that is present in the body.

Besides, you may want to know that it contains anti-cancer effects.


Oranges are not only rich in Vitamin B12, but also provide your children with other essential nutrients like Vitamin C as well. It contains antioxidants, Calcium, and other nutrients. These nutrients are vital for the body of any kid.

It comes infused with a wide range of nutrients that help in the development of the skin, hair, and body as well.


Mangoes, are sold throughout the country. They come with a wide range of health benefits for your children as well. Besides, providing them with the daily content of glucose, they also help in regulating the skin cell tissues.

Moreover, they are high in fibre content, and are filling. Kids can have one or two servings of ripe mangoes. As a parent, you don’t have to worry about your kids eating mangoes, because they will gladly have them.


Avocados are green in colour, and have a unique taste. They are a great source of fibre, and healthy fats. Besides, it provides your kids with good heart health. Likewise, it also supports good skin as well.

Besides, you can also find Vitamin B12 in snack items like lentils, legumes, and so on. These keep your kids having glowing skin, proper growth, helping in immunity, offering weight loss, reducing the chances of constipation, and others.

Signs of B12 Deficiency

You may want to keep an eye on the amount of Vitamin B12 in your child's body. The above fruits can immensely help your child maintain the right levels in their body. But, if you find the levels not quite right, then you may want to take your child to the doctor.

Rapid breathing or falling short of breath: This is one of the most common signs of deficiency of B12. You see, B12 protects your nervous system, and the heart. When the nutrient is not present in sufficient quantities, then your child will have shortness of breath.

Heart will have palpitations: When your child has this issue, then it is a clear sign of the deficiency.

Your child feels tired all the time: When you notice that your child is tired all the time, then they are lacking this food nutrient.

Yellow skin: When you notice that your kid has yellow skin, similar to when having jaundice, then this might be a cause.

Balance issues: Your child may have difficulties when standing up or sitting down properly. They may lose balance, and require support to stand up or sit down.


Vitamin B12 is one of the main nutrients for the body. When you want to ensure your kids stay healthy, then you can provide them the above fruits. They are found throughout the year in India, and you can rotate the fruits on a weekly basis.

You can prepare them in a wide range of dishes like juices, smoothies, and even barbeque them. These fruits can help your child improve their Vitamin content in the body, and avoid the deficiency, and improve their overall health.