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Vitamin D has several different varieties; vitamin D3 is the type made naturally by human skin when it’s exposed to the sun. Vitamin D3 can be found in egg yolks, fish, beef, dairy and some fortified foods. It is also found in supplement form, and it is used for a variety of health promoting purposes. Although you can buy Vitamin D3 Spray supplements in tablet, capsule and liquid form, the liquid has some advantages over the pill.

 About Vitamin D Deficiency

An estimated 1 billion people have inadequate vitamin D levels. In children, a vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets, a disease characterized by soft, weak bones. In adults, a deficiency causes weakening of the bones and muscles known as osteomalacia. Low levels of vitamin D have also been linked to other bone disorders, some cancers, high blood pressure, infectious diseases, depression, obesity and multiple sclerosis. People with limited exposure to the sun or a fat malabsorption disorder — as well as the elderly, the obese and exclusively breast-fed infants — are at a higher risk of deficiency.

Vitamin D3 Spray Liquid vs Capsules

Although Vitamin D3 liquid and tablet supplements produce the same health benefits, liquid vitamins do not need to be broken down and digested, which is helpful for people with low stomach acid levels that impede digestion. And, although no studies have been conducted specifically on liquid Vitamin D3, liquid supplements are considered more bioavailable, meaning they are readily absorbed in the body, helping to ensure you receive their full benefits.

Vitamin D-3 for Healthy Bones

Bones are better able to absorb calcium and phosphorus with vitamin D-3. As such, vitamin D-3 can help support overall dental and bone health and reduce the risk for rickets, bone fractures and osteoporosis. Vitamin D-3 may also benefit those with existing bone disease when taken with calcium as part of a bone supporting program.

 Benefits of High-Potency Vitamin D3

Vitamin D-3 more closely resembles the form of vitamin D that is made by the body and is considered the superior form. According to a study published in the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism” in 2010, vitamin D-3 is a more potent form of the vitamin and is much more effective at raising blood levels of vitamin D than vitamin D-2. In addition to correcting a vitamin D deficiency, high-potency vitamin D-3 is used to prevent and treat many ailments, such as atopic eczema and high cholesterol levels, as well as to improve cognition and immune function. Vitamin D-3 may help in the prevention of breast and colon cancer, heart disease and multiple sclerosis.

Other Potential Benefits

Vitamin D supports overall health and plays a role in the proper functioning of muscles, lungs, heart and brain. Vitamin D also helps promote a healthy immune system and may help your body fight off illnesses. Additionally, vitamin D may help regulate blood pressure and support healthy circulation and cardiovascular function. Healthy vitamin D levels are also linked to lower rates of depression and cancer; however, that doesn't necessarily mean that taking vitamin D-3 fights these diseases.

Precautions and Considerations

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, and unlike water soluble vitamins which are eliminated via urine, vitamin D can build up in your body and become toxic. Too much vitamin D can lead to high calcium blood levels which can eventually lead to disorientation, calcium deposits in the heart and lungs, kidney damage, kidney stones, nausea and vomiting. It's important to have your doctor test your vitamin D levels before supplementing with vitamin D-3 and monitor your levels while taking it.


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