1. Personal

Waiting for the Sunset at Widemouth Bay

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T indeed went back to school last Monday.  Went home with a heavy heart after the school-run. The house just felt so empty without the little madam.  While working on my laptop yesterday, I glanced at the clock and it was twelve, my initial reaction was, better save this so I can do T’s lunch.  Then I remembered, she’s in school!  Sigh.  Life in our little household is indeed slowly going back to term-time routine of getting up early, helping the little one get ready for school and  once she’s gone, the house becomes suddenly too silent.  Only the occasional barking of a numpty dog disturbs it.

I don’t know about you, but I’m still suffering a very serious summer hang over.  Maybe because the weather has also been really bad lately.  Waking up to grey skies and mist, no wonder, I’m still praying for summer to last just a little bit.

While admittedly, we didn’t really do anything exciting like go abroad this summer, we did however see family and managed to spend some time with them, not to mention close friends, which is really nice.  In fact the weekend of little T’s birthday, we had a close friend visit.  And on a Sunday, after mass, we headed off to the beach to for a bbq and to wait for the sunset.  That’s one of the perks of living by the coast – spontaneous trips like this one:

It was probably after seven pm when we got to the beach, but as you can see there were still a lot of people there and we weren’t the only one having a bbq too.

You’ll notice when the tourist season is almost over here in Cornwall.  Dogs and other animals are not allowed on some of the beaches here during the summer for obvious reasons.  But in the late summer, they are slowly allowed back in, which is lovely to see like this horse and it’s owner just enjoying the sea and sun.

While waiting for the bbq to get ready, T, the historian and our friend were brave enough to go into the water for a little dip and some fun with the board.  I wasn’t surprised to see them back even before the food was ready – the water was getting too cold.

After our meal of chicken skewers, Chinese flavoured steak, potato salad and gritty sand, we all just sat down and watched the sky do its magic.

And then after a while, the beautiful orange ball was gone and out came the most beautiful pinkish and blueish sky.  We stayed sitting there just watching this glorious scene unfold before us.  Others didn’t seem bothered much and went on surfing.  They were probably trying to enjoy as much as they can while on the beach.  I don’t blame them, especially if they were just down here for a few days.

Reluctantly, we gathered all our stuff while there was still enough light and as we loaded up our car, within minutes it was dark, except for the headlights coming for the cars and a few night lamps. We came away with our hearts full.  Years from now, I’m hoping little T will remember this day with fondness and we can say to her “Remember when we stayed on the beach till sun down?”  And she’ll smile and say Yes!

No, I’m definitely not ready for summer to end just yet.  Here’s hoping for an Indian summer!