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Imagine you are organizing a concert. A mass-level show with an expected crowd of over 500! You have a ground team of 50 people managing the entire group. And the situation arises that you need to send an urgent message to someone in the parking lot and sit backstage. How would you send a message? Shouting sure wouldn't work. So? Would you call? In a crowd, this vast, good luck getting cell service. The only solution is to use Mobile two way radios in times like this. No matter how expensive your cell service is, only a walkie-talkie can help you out at times like these.

Why Should You Buy a Walkie Talkie Microphone?

Since we are already in 2022, let us use the analogy of mobile phones. Have you ever used a broadcast call, or as it is popularly called a conference call? Multiple participants joined on a single call. That is precisely what happens in a walkie-talkie. In a limited range, everyone with a walkie-talkie set at a particular frequency can hear and talk through their walkie-talkies.

In technical terms, the most preferred reason for why you should buy walkie talkie microphone includes being laced with a speaker on one end and a microphone on the other (with some devices, the speaker also serves as the microphone), and an antenna on top. To speak, they must be handled near the face.

How Does Walkie Talkies Work?

A half-duplex transmission device is known as a walkie-talkie. Several walkie-talkies share a single radio channel, and only one radio may communicate at a time. However, any number of walkie-talkies can listen in. When users wish to chat, they must press a “push-to-talk” (PTT) button, which turns off the receiver and the transmitter. The best part of the walkie-talkie is that it comes with multiple channel options. Hence, one channel can serve as the group broadcast and others as a private channel in case of a tete-a-tete.

Why Should You Buy A Walkie-Talkie Microphone?

Usually, the camera crew or policemen (especially traffic police) use a walkie-talkie microphone. It saves time by eliminating the “hold over the face” part of the typical walkie-talkie. A walkie-talkie microphone is usually mounted on your shoulder, and all you do is lean towards your shoulder a little for better clarity of voice.

What Are Some Of The Walkie-Talkie Etiquette?

  • Walkie-talkies are usually not bought but rented. In such cases, one must ask each crew member to either submit their IDs or some other method of security deposit so that each handset is accounted for and you don't end up paying a fine for any lost or damaged device.
  • Always start your dialogue with “<your name> calling <general> (if general chat) or <your name> calling <concerned person>” wait for affirmation from the other person and then say what you want to
  • Always end your dialogue with “over” to avoid any overlaps, and at the end of the entire conversation, say “over and out.”
  • Reserve channel 1 for general and other channels for private talks.

Why Should You Buy Base Station Radios?

The job is not done if you buy a set of walkie-talkies. A base station is of utmost importance in a professional setup with a large radius. What is a base station radio? A base station radio is a transceiver that connects multiple devices over a larger area. For kids playing detective, base station radio is not required. Still, if you arrange a concert or are part of a camera crew, you must buy base station radios to ensure no one loses connectivity.

Along with base station radios, one must also buy batteries, microphones, and a multi-station mobile two-way radio. This would complete your whole set. Happy organizing.
