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A balanced, even complexion might be a lot closer than you think. If you’ve set your sights on achieving a more balanced, blemish-free complexion, it might be time to focus on your skin’s microbiome.

The surface of your skin, the epidermis, is home to all kinds of beneficial microorganisms. These useful microorganisms can contribute to the look and feel of your skin. When your skin’s microflora is flourishing, that’s when you might see a more balanced, even complexion.

However, all kinds of factors can tip the scales. Everything from over-cleansing to excess sweat can result in an unbalanced complexion. This can look like different things for different people.

For some, it might look like redness or irritation. For others, it may mean blemishes and breakouts. Want to support your microbiome? Start with these tips, along with key clear skin products.

Take a Gentle, Restorative Approach to Cleansing

You diligently cleanse your skin. But are you overdoing it? Even if you only cleanse once a day—twice at most—you still might be overdoing it. It can have less to do with the frequency of cleansing than it does with the cleansers you use.

A lot of soaps and cleansers can be harsh. They contain ingredients that do their job and remove makeup, dead skin, dirt, grime, and other impurities. But they can disrupt the microflora in the process.

Instead, try cleansers with gentle yet effective ingredients. These can be cleansers made with ingredients like kombucha and citrus. You can also look for cleansers made with rosa centifolia and damask rose extracts. These are all ingredients that can support your microbiome.

Be Mindful in Exfoliation

Much like daily cleansing, it’s easy to overdo it with exfoliation. Exfoliation can be a critical part of any skincare routine, including a routine focused on a balanced complexion. The goal is to strike a balance in the exfoliation itself.

To maximize results, stick to exfoliating twice a week. On top of that, look for exfoliators with gentle and effective ingredients. For instance, you can get a gentle exfoliator made with damask rose extract and rose flower water.

These kinds of ingredients can help support your skin’s microbiome while helping leave your skin feeling softer, smoother—and soothed!

Hydrated Skin is Balanced Skin

When it comes to achieving a balanced, even complexion, the importance of hydration cannot be understated. When skin becomes dry or dehydrated, your microflora can become disrupted.

This can allow other forms of bacteria—the not-so-great kind—to tip the scales in their favor. When certain bacteria flourish, they can get into your pores and create a mess—a mess of redness, irritation, and breakouts.

Products like hydrating toner can help keep the scales from tipping in that direction. Adding a hydrating toner to your daily routine (or even using it throughout the day) can help keep your skin looking and feeling balanced. And that can mean your microflora are flourishing!

About Andalou Naturals

Discover a new level of skincare confidence with Andalou Naturals. They take all the guesswork out of finding the right skincare products for your skin. Whether you’re looking for a product to target a specific skincare concern or you want to build a brand new skincare routine, Andalou Naturals can help make that happen. Target fine lines and wrinkles with their Age Defying Deep Wrinkle Filler, a deeply nourishing cream. Or tackle blemish-prone skin with their balancing Clear Skin products, complete with cleansers, toners, moisturizers, and more! Plus, Andalou takes a science-based approach to natural skincare. With their Fruit Stem Cells Science, along with key bioactive ingredients derived from nature, you can experience real, tangible results. Now that’s confidence in skincare.

Support your skin’s microbiome with targeted skincare products from https://andalou.com/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/49Pq9sG

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