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Ways to Handle an Unplanned Pregnancy

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Finding out you're pregnant when you weren't expecting it can be a real shock. It's normal to feel all sorts of ways – scared, confused, maybe even excited. The good news is you're not alone. Plenty of Canadians face unplanned pregnancies, and there's help available.

Here at Birthright Victoria, we want to guide you through this. We understand it's a big decision, and we're here to support you every step of the way.

Taking Care of Yourself First

Before anything else, take a deep breath. It's okay to feel overwhelmed – this is a lot to take in! Give yourself time to process everything. Cry if you need to, talk to a friend, or write down your thoughts.

Here's the thing: your feelings are valid. Don't try to bottle them up. Let yourself feel everything, even if it's confusing or scary.

Getting Support

When doubts and worries start swirling, reach out for help. Amazing support centres like Birthright Victoria can offer nonjudgmental advice and a safe space to talk.

Thinking About Your Options

It's important to consider all your choices. Imagine yourself raising a baby – picture feeding times, snuggles, and all the joys (and challenges) of parenthood.

If you're thinking about abortion, consider how you might feel afterwards. It's okay to explore all the possibilities. Adoption is another option, and Birthright Victoria can help you understand that process, too.

Remember, there's no right or wrong answer. The most important thing is to make the best decision for you.

Finding People Who Care

You deserve support without judgment. At Birthright Victoria, we're here to listen and offer compassion, no matter your feelings.

We offer a bunch of free services to help you navigate this time:

  • Pregnancy tests – to confirm if you're pregnant
  • Someone to talk to – a safe space to share your worries and hopes
  • Information on your options – all the choices explained clearly
  • Dealing with pregnancy changes – tips on how to handle morning sickness and other discomforts
  • Free clothes for you and your baby – because every little bit helps
  • Support whenever you need it – phone calls, visits, or a 24/7 helpline
  • It's Okay to be Surprised

Sometimes, even with all the mixed emotions, you might hear a tiny voice inside saying, “Maybe I want this.”  Don't be afraid to listen! Life throws curveballs, and plans can change. We're here for you, no matter what path you choose.

Remember, you're not alone. If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy and needs support, Birthright Victoria is here to help. Call us at 250.380.0305 or write to us anytime.