1. Fashion

Ways To Remove Water Stains

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Water stains on your favorite silk nighties can be a real nuisance. Fortunately, there are several simple methods you can use to remove water marks from the delicate fabric. Whether it’s from sweat, spilled drinks or rain droplets, here are some tips for removing those pesky water stains and restoring your garment to its original condition.
First, try using distilled white vinegar. Dilute 1 part vinegar in 3 parts of cool water and apply directly to the stain. Allow it to sit for about 10 minutes before blotting with a clean cloth until the stain is gone. Another option is liquid dish soap mixed with warm water – simply rub gently into the affected area until the mark fades away and rinse off with cold water afterwards. If your stain persists after these steps, don’t worry – mixing equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda will do the trick!


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