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Want to know a little secret?

No matter what services your website offers, visitors will spend a minute or less on your landing page to decide whether they want to stay or not.

Do you know what does it mean? It means you need a website redesign and may have to take a few critical measures to overhaul the site.

If you want to increase your traffic, boost user engagement, generate more leads, and increase your conversion rate, website redesigning is your only option. Yes, the process indeed involves a lot of time, effort, and money, but….. wait… you need your website to generate more leads and revenue, right?

This blog is for you to know what website redesign is, how it can help your brand, why you need to redesign your website, and finally, how to redesign your website. So, let’s dive in.

Why Should You Redesign Your Website?

Multiple studies show that if your website has an average user experience, most users may leave your site within a minute. As a matter of fact, more than 88% of users abandon poor websites without exploring further, irrespective of the quality of products/services. To mitigate this user trend, you need to redesign a website.

Successful website redesigning requires careful analysis of user preferences, adapting to evolving browser technologies, and adhering to the latest design trends. Only by considering these factors, you can redesign your website and enhance its performance to boost traffic and convert it into loyal customers.

But when should you perform website redesign? We point out a few common reasons that indicate it’s time to change your site.

#1 Outdated Appearance:

The visual appeal of a website is the most crucial element in drawing the users’ attention, as it serves as a first impression to your site visitors. Obsolete graphics, cluttered layouts, and inconsistent brand manifestation can cause an outdated appearance. This outdated appearance can project an aura of boredom, stagnation, and disregard for details among site visitors and, ultimately, stop them from engaging with your brand. Furthermore, it can drive the existing visitors away and limit your ability to attract and retain new visitors.

💡Quick Insight – The most popular streaming and OTT platform, Netflix, launched its website in 1997. Over time, the website became increasingly outdated, with cluttered text and images. To make the website’s overall design and layout appealing, Netflix completed a significant redesign in 2017. It deployed website redesign best practices to help users find content easily with more visually appealing aesthetics. It was well-received by users and critics and boosted Netflix’s brand image.

#2 Rebranding:

As things change, brands and their offerings must change as well. It means brands must boost their online presence through rebranding. When a company undergoes a rebranding process, it often tries to manifest this process visually through website redesign. It helps brands communicate their rebranded identity to their target audience. Redesigning a website can help you align your online presence with the new direction. A rebranding initiative may include overhauling the company’s visual identity, including logo, color palette, typography, and aesthetic elements. The website redesigning process must showcase these changes, creating a consistent brand experience across browsers.

💡Quick Insight – Mailchimp was predominantly an email marketing platform. In 2022, the brand underwent a significant rebrand and website redesign to become a full-fledged marketing automation and email marketing platform. It undertook a new brand identity, highlighting its focus on helping businesses grow digitally. The website redesign helped Mailchimp make its site more modern, user-friendly, and aligned with its new brand image.

#3 Time For New Offerings Through Website Redesigning:

Another reason behind website redesign can be the launch of a new product or service. Companies often use their websites as powerful launchpads to introduce new products or services. Launching a new product is often considered a significant milestone for a brand, and redesigning its website can create dedicated landing pages or sections to highlight new offerings. It helps companies communicate the latest offerings’ features, benefits, value propositions, and pricing effectively with their target audience.

💡Quick Insight – Undoubtedly, Nike is one of the most extensive sports footwear and apparel brands. 2018, the company launched its all-new Air Max 2018 sneaker series. The brand redesigned its website to showcase the new footwear at the prime spot. The website redesigning process helped them feature a vibrant and appealing design that captured the spirit of its newly launched product. The new website design incorporated highly interactive visuals like 360-degree product views and personalized sneaker recommendations.

#4 Poor Functionality:

The features and functionalities of your website depend on their smooth running, ensuring the success of your online brand image. Your website often faces serious functionality issues like slow loading time, poor usability, and poor performance. It can quickly frustrate your website visitors, leading them to leave your site immediately. Multiple studies show that slow loading time, poor navigation, and outdated design are the main reasons a user leaves your website. To eliminate these issues, you better do a website redesign.

# Quick Insight💡- eBay, the prominent American multinational e-commerce giant, underwent a crucial website redesign in 2019 to tackle longstanding usability issues like cluttered design, poor performance, frequent crashes, and complicated navigations. The problems resulted in a decline in sales and frustration among users. The website redesign simplified the layout and improved search functionalities and mobile experience, ultimately enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.

#5 High Traffic-Low Conversions:

What does it mean to have a website with a large volume of visitors? It means the brand’s online marketing strategy is working correctly to attract attention from the users. However, when the brands fail to convert this traffic into leads, it is a sign of underlying issues. It generally indicates a gap between the website’s ability to draw new users and the conversion rate. With a lack of clear call-to-action buttons and poor content to gross misalignment, your website may have many issues that may hinder the conversion. Redesigning your website can help you optimize it and bridge the gap between attracting visitors and turning them into valuable customers.

# Quick Insight💡- Sephora, a prestigious French multinational retailer, had been experiencing high traffic on its website, but the conversion rate was low. The site had many issues: an unoptimized checkout process, complex navigation, and cluttered content and images. 2019 Sephora initiated a large-scale website redesign program to improve the conversion rate. The redesign was successful, with more user-friendly graphics and a simplified checkout process. The result? Sephora’s conversion rate increased by 15% after redesigning.

Read more – https://logic-square.com/website-redesign-guide/

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