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 Weight and Health

 Being overweight increases our risk for many diseases. Around 75% of Australian men and women carry too much body weight, and 25% of children have excess fat. The incidence of obesity-related diseases (such as heart disease, diabetes) is also increasing.

  Make small changes to your diet and workout habits to lose excess body fat. You should make changes to your daily routine to lose weight.

 Diets do not work for long-term

 There are many myths about weight loss. The media is full of fad dieting and magic weight loss potions endorsed by celebrities. Many of these diets can help you lose weight when you are following them. However, once you return to your normal lifestyle, you will gain weight again. It's not the problematic weight loss, but how to keep it off. Weight management is not just a matter of following a short-term diet to lose a few kilograms.

 Dieting can be dangerous

 Dieting is harmful because the body lowers its metabolism when it experiences periods of semi-starvation.  You lose muscle and fat when you lose weight quickly. Fat doesn't burn kilojoules. Only muscle does. When you return to everyday habits after stopping Dieting, your body will continue to burn fewer calories because your metabolism rate has slowed, and the amount of muscle within your body is

less. Even a single cycle of weight gain and loss can increase our risk for coronary heart disease, regardless of our body fat level. It's, therefore, more important that you can maintain yourweight loss. It is more likely that a weight loss of 1/2-1kg per week will be sustained.

 Change your lifestyle in small and manageable ways Weight loss is a subject that has many misconceptions. To lose weight and keep it off, you must make small changes to your lifestyle.

 You can lose weight and keep it off by changing your eating habits and increasing physical activity. To maintain a constant weight, you need to ensure that your energy intake (kilojoules) equals the energy expenditure. You will lose weight if you use more than you consume.

  •  Start losing weight today
  •  If you're looking to lose weight, it is easy to become overwhelmed with all the available information.
  •  You can lose weight if you avoid unplanned or habitual food and eat regular meals and snacks.
  •  If you've been on crash dieting for several years, or are having difficulty with it, ask a dietitian. Dietitians can guide you toward a healthy eating plan based on the latest research and tailored to your lifestyle and health.
  •  Check with your doctor if you're overweight, older than 40, or last been active a while ago.
  •  It's essential to know your current eating and exercising habits once you decide to lose weight.

 What kind of energy (diets) do you consume?

 Reflect on your eating habits. Consider:

  •  What you eat.
  •  You eat.
  •  Why do you eat?
  •  Keep a food diary
  •  Keep a food journal for a full week and see if there are any patterns or themes to your eating habits.

 It's best to record your food diary at the time rather than night's end. This will reduce the chance that you need to remember something.

 Note down all the food and drinks you consume.

  •  Feelings
  •  Your hunger level at that time.
  •  You might notice a pattern in your diary, for example, that
  • you select certain foods and drinks based on where you are at the time or how
  • you feel.

 What is the energy you burn through movement?

 Kilojoules are the other part of the equation. Being active not only burns energy but also helps prevent muscle loss. This keeps your metabolism ticking at a healthy rate.

 Stay motivated with your weight loss program Once you've created a plan, you should be realistic. Focus on small wins to help you stay on track. Here are some suggestions:

  •  Do not rely on numbers on scales. Measure your waist circumference instead – a healthy waist circumference for men is less than 94cm and for women, less than 80cm.
  •  You may notice that your clothes feel looser, or you can nowwear something from the back of your closet.
  •  Confidence in an activity that you have avoided (such as keeping up with your children without running out of breath)
  •  You may have more energy or find that things are easier to do.

 Losing weight in a healthy way

  • Weight loss and weight maintenance is a commitment for life to a healthy way of living. Keep everything the same at a time. Small changes to your diet or exercise can make a huge difference.
  •  Make these simple changes in your eating habits to lose weight.
  •  To reduce the risk of yo-yo dieting, avoid fads and crash diets.
  •  Eat a variety of foods in all five food groups (Australian

Guide for Healthy Eating ).

  •  Eat more fruit and vegetables. Vegetables are particularly low in calories and have fiber, making you feel satisfied.
  •  The more food and drink you consume, the higher the energy content.
  •  Reduce the intake of foods high in saturated fat, sugar, and sodium.
  •  You can also add alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, and other snacks to your diet.
  •  Adults should limit their intake of ‘treats' intake to one or two per day. You may have to limit your treats to one or two a day if you are overweight, inactive, or obese. Balance extra food with more exercise. You can indulge in more treats if you exercise more. You should only choose additional foods if you've already met your nutritional needs by choosing from healthier food groups.
  •  Stick to a regular eating pattern.
  •  Replace sugary beverages with water.

 Start slowly. You can boost your activity levels by increasing your movement throughout the day. Any physical activity is beneficial to the human body, which was designed for movement 

 Weight and Health

 Being overweight increases our risk for many diseases. Around 75% of Australian men and women carry too much body weight, and 25% of children have excess fat. The incidence of obesity-related diseases (such as heart disease, diabetes) is also increasing. Make small changes to your diet and workout habits to lose excess body fat. You should make changes to your daily routine to lose weight.

 Diets do not work for long-term

 There are many myths about weight loss. The media is full of

fad dieting and magic weight loss potions that are endorsed by celebrities Dieting is harmful because the body lowers its metabolism Adults should limit their intake of ‘treats' intake to one or two per day. You may have to limit your treats to one or two a day if you are overweight, inactive, or obese.

 Balance extra food with more exercise. You can indulge in more treats if you exercise more. You should only choose additional foods if you've already met your nutritional needs by choosing from healthier food groups.

  •  Stick to a regular eating pattern.
  •  Replace sugary beverages with water.

 Start slowly. You can boost your activity levels by increasing the amount you move throughout the day. Any physical activity is beneficial to the human body, which was designed for movement. 


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