1. Health

Weight Loss Tip For Obese Cats: Measure Out Your Cat’s Daily Food Allowance

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Many cats become overweight because the food they eat is not measured. Their owners overfeed them unconsciously. If you are guilty of this, then it might be a sign for you to change your feeding habits.


Free feeding is the feeding strategy that many cat owners use since it is more convenient. It involves allowing your cat to consume food in any amount at any time. This practice puts the cat at risk for obesity. It’s never too late to transition to scheduled feeding.


Ensure to transition gradually so that your cat has time to adjust. Some cats get stressed easily with sudden changes; thus, slowly but surely is the safest way. An automatic feeder is a good investment if you transition to scheduled feeding. With this, you no longer have to worry about refilling your cat’s bowl every mealtime. The feeder will do the work for you, just set the time to dispense the food.


If you have many cats at home, it will be best to give them individual bowls. Cats are not fond of eating together; they might engage in resource-guarding behaviors when they see other cats lurking around their food bowls.


Work with your veterinarian Frisco, TX in creating a weight loss program for your pet.


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