1. Pets

Weird Dog Behaviors

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There are weird dog behaviors that dogs display, even if they are nasty and unsatisfying to witness. These are two of these behaviors that you might see your dog doing: 

  • Eating poop – This is a normal behavior of dogs, one reason why they are labeled dirty by some people. There is an official term for poop eating, which is coprophagia. However, not all dogs are fond of doing this. Most often, mother dogs are the ones who engage in this behavior. This behavior is harmless but needs to be consulted with your vet, especially when it becomes more frequent. There are different reasons why dogs engage in poop eating. These reasons include stress, loneliness, and boredom. Determine first the main reason before coming up with a solution. 
  • Rolling on poop – Many dogs like rolling in stinky items, such as poop. Your dog might be among them. However, he is not only doing this for fun. He might be engaging in this activity to mask his presence from being detected by his prey or other predators. It is a survival behavior; thus, keeping your dog from engaging in it will be challenging. However, you can still limit your dog’s engagement in this behavior with proper training. Command him to return near you when you see him going near a poop. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact your animal clinic Bellaire, TX.


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