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As cryptocurrencies continue to get more mainstream by the day, numerous institutions and merchants have understood the importance of accepting crypto assets as a mode of payment. Out of all cryptocurrencies, bitcoin is undoubtedly the most popular one and is already accepted by many businesses. This is believed to be the foundation of a decentralized global ecosystem that provides coin owners autonomy and total control over their fund as well as the transactions. 

Bitcoin has so quickly become a part of the mainstream culture that we can now buy almost anything using it. We all know that Bitcoin can be used to buy pizzas, flights, accommodations, and several other mainstream products or services. Many renowned men’s and women’s clothing stores have also started accepting bitcoin nowadays. In this discussion, however, we will take a look at some of the weirdest things you purchase using your bitcoin. 

Cryptocurrencies have always been associated with illicit activities on the web. It is true that many cyber criminals now use bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies as their default monetary tools. Some of you may have already heard stories of authorities cracking down on businesses offering hitman-like services. At the same time, bitcoins are also used extensively for dealing with exotic animals, illegal firearms, drugs, sexual services, etc. 


Some of you may remember that a Minneapolis-based funeral business hit the headlines a couple of years ago by officially announcing that it accepts bitcoin and even offers a 3% discount. We don’t know whether this sounds good to you, but the fact remains that you can now use bitcoin to anonymously purchase services such as burial with funerals, cremation, casket, and urns. 


Thousands of people around the world consider beauty to be an extremely important aspect of their lives. Moreover, many of these men and women want to maintain complete privacy about their beauty treatments such as plastic surgery, etc. To serve these individuals, many plastic surgery businesses have now started accepting bitcoins for surgical procedures such as breast augmentation, liposuction, etc. 


Along with other business segments, the academic world has also finally come in terms with the growing popularity of bitcoins. Apart from small online tutorials, bitcoins are now being accepted as tuition fees by several globally renowned universities. Some noteworthy names in this list include the University of Cumbria, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the King’s School College, etc. 


Well, this one might make some of you laugh, but it is true that a goat can be purchased using bitcoin. Way back in 2013, someone actually listed a goat for sale in a site called BitMit. The idea of exchanging livestock for bitcoin is certainly bizarre, but could well be a norm for the future. 


My sincere apologies to all vegans and vegetarians out there, but it is also possible now to buy beef using bitcoins. This concept was popularized first in Australia by a business named Honest Beef that delivered fresh beef to the doorstep for bitcoin.   


Who doesn’t enjoy a little tipple every now and then? However, if you own bitcoin, you can take it to the next level. A luxury marketplace named BitPremier offering a plethora of high-end items recently put up an entire brandy distillery for sale for 73 BTC.  This is the right purchase for anyone looking to distill his or her very own brandy.

A trip to space has always captured the imagination of millions of people around the world. A company named Virgin Galactic is in the process of developing its commercial space flight to make this a possibility. In fact, thousands of people have already joined the waiting list to be a part of this flight. The company has also decided to accept bitcoin payments.

Before finishing this discussion, it is only fair to accept that bitcoin can do much more than we can think. However, there is also a weird side to how we can spend bitcoin online. All these can be attributed to the flexible and fuss-free nature of bitcoin.    


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