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what is kaakvi?

What is Kaakvi (what is kaakvi in English) As much as its name is strange, it is beneficial and beneficial. The strange thing is that many Indians do not even know about it, but after knowing kaakvi key interactions you are definitely going to do it.

In today's post, you will get informative information about the benefits of Kaakvi, its properties, its nutritional value of Kaakvi, etc. So do read this post completely.


The process of getting jaggery from sugarcane juice goes through three mediums and these mediums are known as Rao-Kaakvi-Jaggery. And in our country of India, these three are used in different ways. However, Peacock Jaggery made in India has got GI Tag.


In simple words, when sugarcane juice is heated, before the formation of jaggery and after heating the sugarcane juice, a liquid is formed which is called Kakawi.


That is, before the formation of jaggery, the edible liquid that is made from sugarcane juice is Kakvi. Often many people also know it by the name of liquid jaggery.


It can also be stored in a vessel for 1 – 2 years and can be easily used in place of sugar. Kaakvi is known by different names in different states of India like-

kaakvi in English: kaakvi, Rao, liquid jaggery

kaakvi in English: Liquid Jaggery, Molasses, Treacle

kaakvi meaning in Marathi:

kaakvi meaning in Gujarati: Golnupa


What are the benefits and properties of Kaakvi?


Sugar is called white poison by many health experts, people who are fond of eating sweets should know that more than 20 chemicals are used in the process of making sugar.


This chemical does not even come out of our bodies. It takes 6 to 7 hours for the digestion of sugar. And with increasing age, it also harms our bodies.


On the other hand, kaakvi is the best option for natural sweetness. In Ayurveda, many things have been told related to the benefits and properties of Kaakvi such as:-


It is mild in digestion, it can be easily digested by the body.

It makes the body strong. This is especially beneficial for those who do more physical work.

It helps a lot in increasing the count of hemoglobin in blood-related defects, apart from this it also helps in purifying the blood.

It removes tiredness and energy from the body.

Often in rural areas, it is used to cure Jaundice and Anaemia.

It is beneficial for H.I.V patients.

Since it cleanses the respiratory tract, lungs, intestines, stomach, and food pipe, it is highly recommended to drink liquid jaggery for people working in heavily polluted areas like factories or coal mines.

It regulates the acidity of the stomach, and at the same time creates energy in the human body.

It is an excellent option for sweetness because it is 100% organic Kaakvi obtained from sugarcane juice, in which no chemicals are used.

It contains high amounts of organic calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Which is easily digested by our body.

It contains a good amount of potassium and sodium which keeps blood pressure at a normal level, hence it acts as an excellent medicine for blood pressure patients.

Organic Kaakvi helps to digest our food quickly and easily, and its continuous consumption gets rid of constipation.

We can use it for our everyday food like – TEA, Coffee, Bread, Chapati, or other sweet dishes.

Our body has to work hard to digest White Poison i.e. sugar, but Organic Kaakvi itself is easily digested as well as helps in digesting the food consumed by us.


Our ancestors were well aware of the benefits of kaakvi and they have been using kaakvi for a long time, this is the reason, our ancestors lived a long life.


Nutritional Value of Kaakvi (Liquid Jaggery)


Organic Liquid Kaakvi is rich in protein, minerals like iron, copper, zinc, calcium, phosphorous, folic acid, selenium and sulfur, etc.

Contains antioxidants and natural sugars such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Let us know about the nutritional value of kaakvi-


Iron 10.23%

Energy 300 kcal per 100 grams

Calcium 0.04%

Copper 0.40 mg per 100 g

Glucose + Fructose 33.70%

Moisture 29.93%

Protein 0.14%

Fat 0.12%

Sucrose 35.20%


How to use Kaakvi?


If you do not know how to consume Kaakvi, then there are many such options in which you can easily consume it-


  1. Liquid jaggery can be used in place of white sugar.
  2. If you go to the gym or run then you can take a sweet dish made from it, food supplements like bread, kheer, or health juice.
  3. It can be used to make milk, breakfast cereals, baby food, ice cream, cakes, and pancakes.
  4. It is a good substitute for green tea, herbal tea, milk tea, and coffee.
  5. It is a good option for making cold drinks.
  6. Kaakvi is used in place of honey in herbal, ayurvedic, and Unani medicines.
  7. Now you must have understood the uses of kaakvi and hopefully, you will also use it.

What is Kaakvi's Sideeffects?


Liquid jaggery is good for health. There is no doubt about it – but overdosing can cause havoc, just like consuming too much of it can cause some side effects, and can lead to many problems:


  1. Excess intake can increase your body fat and it can lead to obesity.
  2. Blood sugar levels can rise and cause diabetes.
  3. Parasites can increase the risk of infection.
  4. Which can cause nose bleeding.
  5. Apart from this, some health problems can also occur.
  6. Consuming too much can increase the chances of getting parasitic infections and intestinal worms.




Even after reading this entire article, if you have any questions in your mind then with the help of FAQs and QnA all those doubts will be cleared –

  1. Is it good to consume kaakvi or jaggery every day?

Yes, Roz/ Kaakvi is recommended to be taken daily post-meal as it prevents constipation and helps in digestion by activating digestive enzymes in our body.


     2. How much jaggery should be eaten in a day?


If you are a person without any sugar problems, then you can take only 25 grams in a day.


     3.Can we consume kaakvi liquid jaggery with milk?

      It can be consumed (liquid jaggery) with milk.


       4. Does Kavki help in digestion?

    Yes, Kawaki can help in digestion due to the presence of potassium in it.


    5.Can it be used in place of sugar in tea?

     Liquid jaggery can be used as a substitute for sugar in tea. Using it in tea has many benefits such as:-

improve digestion

instant energy

removal of toxins from the body

a different taste in tea

    6. Is Kaakvi good for the heart?

    It helps in strengthening the heart muscle and improves the functioning of the heart.

    7.Is eating jaggery/kaakvi good for bodybuilding?

Yes, jaggery is considered good for bodybuilding due to the presence of high potassium. It provides strength to bones and muscles.

    8. Is jaggery/kaakvi good for cough and cold?

Jaggery/Kavaki is a unique medicine to cure cough and cold. Because it cleans the lungs naturally. Also, it cleans the respiratory tract and improves the process of breathing.

    9.Does jaggery/kaakvi help in strengthening the nervous system?

Yes, jaggery/kaakvi contains magnesium, magnesium strengthens the human nervous system, and helps in relaxing the brain muscles. It also acts as an antioxidant to prevent nerve cell damage and to keep the blood vessels of the human nervous system healthy.


Note:- Diabetic patients and proud women must consult their doctor before consuming Kaakvi.


By using Kaakvi, you can avoid those harmful chemicals which are coming into your body through sugar or sugar. You got useful information about what is kaakvi- Uses, benefits and nutritional value, article of kaakvi.