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What Are Plumbing Pipes, And How Do You Select One For Your Home? 

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One of the many common pipe types is used by plumbers to deliver water to and from home appliances and fixtures. Whether you're attempting to find a plumber or doing the plumbing yourself, the vast array of pipe materials that are available may be intimidating. 

How can the best pipe be selected for a building's internal plumbing, exterior sewage and drainage systems, and more? When cast iron and galvanized steel were your only alternatives for pipes, the solution was straightforward. We'll detail some of the most common types of pipe used today to help you pick which pipe material is best for your needs. 

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PET Tube 

Water distribution systems use PEX (cross-linked polyethene) piping because it is a durable plastic. It is flexible enough to snake through walls, ceilings, and crawl spaces while being strong enough to handle water pressure. Additionally, it is an affordable substitute for more expensive pipe choices 

The tubes' most popular diameters are 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch, and they can be simply shortened and attached. Additionally, they are typically color-coded so that red ones denote hot water and blue ones denote cold water. 

Tube PEX 

Sewer lines often employ polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping in white plastic. Since it was easier to handle than regular galvanized steel tubing, many people began utilizing it. It is also affordable and reasonably durable. 

ll PVC pipe, a hacksaw or a miter box might be helpful. The components can be joined together using solvents. 

Unbreakable copper tubing 

As its name suggests, copper pipes are almost entirely comprised of copper. Water supply lines within the home are frequently composed of rigid copper. It is highly respected because, unlike other materials like plastics that can leach chemicals, there are no health risks connected to its use in pipe building. 

With a tube cutter or hacksaw, rigid copper may be easily bent and is also quite strong. It does, however, come at a high cost. 

The ABS pipe is made of the thermoplastic resin acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, which resembles PVC but is darker and softer. Its main function is as an exhaust and drainage system. 


The pipe is still a reliable and affordable solution, even though continuous exposure to the sun may eventually cause it to bend and become damaged. However, it might only be compliant with regulations in specific regions, just as PVC. 

Conduit with a Bi-Directional Pipe 

Flexible pipe is referred to as “Flexi,” and while it is typically made of stainless steel, it can also be made of other materials. This is often used for final plumbing connections to appliances like water heaters, toilets, and sinks. It is typically not allowed to be utilized inside of walls, floors, or roofs. 

Flexi pipe is available in a wide variety of sizes. Although it has a limited lifespan, it usually fails after a few years of continuous use. Although expensive, you won't need much for the majority of jobs. 

Wrought Iron and Galvanized Steel Pipes 

For many years, plumbing systems have made extensive use of galvanized steel piping due to its strength and resistance to corrosion. Galvanized steel pipe is still utilized nowadays, but it is never used for water lines and is mostly used for gas supply. It is expensive despite having a lengthy lifespan and excellent craftsmanship. The fittings used to connect the two ends of the pipe together are screwed into the threads that have been welded into the pipe. 



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