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Pain under right breast may predict several infections, inflammation, injuries,

muscle strain, and gastrointestinal problems. It may probably indicate underlying health complications. Irrespective of how you feel pain under your right breast, the effects can dominate your quality of daily life. However, there are several ways to establish a barrier between the discomfort, including lifestyle modifications and medication. For this purpose, you need to contact a doctor.


Here are possible causes of pain under right breasts.

  • Injury of the Rib Bones

Your rib cage provides a shielding effect for the organs present underneath. You may

observe symptoms like bruising, pain, and tenderness when rib cages get injured. Coughing, deep breaths, and sneezing can exacerbate the pain in the chest area. You can consult your healthcare provider to suggest pain-relieving drugs.

  • Costochondritis

Costochondritis is associated with the rib cage bone swelling between the ribs

and sternum. As this condition tends to show pain in the mid-chest area,

around the sternum, there may also be a manifestation of pain under the right

or left side of the breast. Costochondritis may disappear on its own. However, severe cases require many days to recover.Furthermore, to manage costochondritis, your health experts might suggest physical therapies, different medications, or a combination of both.

  •   Excessive Gas

Sudden waves of pain under the breast may be an outcome of gas buildup. This pain may disappear in different episodes. However, it may also move toward the abdomen or back. Parameters like overeating, drinking carbonated beverages, or consuming too much sugar are top participants in this issue.

  • Heartburn

Burning feelings under the right breast and esophagus are a common symptom of heartburn. It happens when stomach acid damages the esophageal tube or irritates the air passages from the lungs and throat. While heartburn mostly comes and goes away on its own, it can also be mistaken for a cardiac arrest.

  • Pleurisy

Swelling of the lung surfaces and chest area is seen in trauma, respiratory infections,

asbestos, pneumonia, or exposure to toxic substances like asbestos. Pain in the chest area with pleurisy may worsen with coughing, movement, and deep breathing.

  • Pancreatitis

Although the location of the pancreas is opposite to the right breast, any swelling can lead to minute or severe pain surrounding the right breast. This inflammation is known as pancreatitis. This condition may arise due to blockage of ducts, infection, alcohol abuse, etc. 

  •  Gallbladder Issues

Your gallbladder is present on the right side below your lower ribs. Its duty

is to store the bile produced by the liver to break down fatty foods.

If your body feels a Chemical imbalance, it can lead to gallstones. As per the

National Institutes of Health, almost 10-15% of individuals present in the  U.S. may experience gallstone. The appearance of these gallstones is complex, pebble-like depositions made of cholesterol that can block the bile duct or depositions of cholesterol leading to pain. This is referred to as a gallbladder disorder. Gallbladder disorders can produce pain around the upper right abdomen. Such a sharp pain

initiates suddenly and increases in intensity rapidly. Your body does not necessarily need a gallbladder. If you observe sudden gallbladder attacks, as a result the doctor may recommend you to persue through surgeries.

  • Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are also referred to as renal calculi, and appear as deposits made of acid salts and minerals in crystals form present in urine. Big kidney stones lead to severe pain as they enter the kidney or ureter.

  • Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernia is a rare condition involving the stomach protruding through weak diaphragm areas. Such an individual observes breath shortness, heartburn, chest pain, and bloating after meals. It is a less common condition when part of the stomach protrudes through a weak area in the diaphragm.

  • Stress and Anxiety

Physical and emotional stress, either acute or severe, can lead to pain under right breast. Stress leads to muscle tension, targeting the organs of the digestive system or activating the heart to pump rapidly. Similarly, panic attacks can cause chest pain that may be minor or severe and misinterpreted as a heart attack.

When to See a Doctor

Visit Dallas pain management if the pain under right breast does not

improve and get worse, sometimes interfering with routine activities. Also,

ask for medical help if the pain comes with other severe symptoms.

Some indications that require emergency medical attention:

  • Sudden, severe, and sharp chest pain
  • Chest pain that moves to other parts like the jaw, arms, or shoulders
  • in the body.
  • A bluish skin color around the lips or skin
  • Inability to breathe
  • Bleeding cough.
  • Dizziness, confusion, or loss of consciousness


The first step to adopt when you experience sharp and sudden right breast pain must be an immediate check-up for a heart attack. Right breast pain can result from injuries or conditions that affect the breast capillaries and milk ducts. Breast tumors are generally painful in the early days. With exceptions to inflammatory breast cancer, which involves redness and swelling. 

Pain radiating from other parts towards the right breast can be a possible cause of disorders in the chest muscles, the esophagus, or the lungs. However, the nerve pain in these areas can also be from shingles or fibromyalgia. Moreover, consult your healthcare experts at the pain clinic Dallas about right breast pain to have an accurate diagnosis and treatment.


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