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What are real-time applications of queue and priority queue?

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Queues and priority queues, while sometimes underestimated, play an important role in many real-world applications. They optimize processes and guarantee effective resource management. 


In this blog, we explore the practical applications of priority queues and those of queues. We will also learn about the best Aptitude courses online that you can enrol in. So, let us get started.


Understanding Queues


A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. Elements are inserted at one end and removed from the other, mirroring real-world scenarios like waiting in line at a ticket counter. Let’s delve into some concrete applications:

  • CPU Scheduling


In CPU scheduling, queues ensure the fair execution of processes. The First Come, First Serve (FCFS) principle prevents any corruption in task execution order. CPU page replacement algorithms use queues to maintain the order of processes in memory, ensuring adherence to the FIFO principle.

  • Breadth-First Search Algorithm


Queues are pivotal in graph traversal algorithms like Breadth-First Search (BFS). The algorithm explores nodes at a single level before moving to the next level, utilizing a queue to store and process adjacent nodes. The queue ensures that nodes are processed in the order they are encountered, contributing to the efficiency of BFS.

  • Printer Spooling


Printer spooling relies on queues to manage print jobs efficiently. Instead of waiting for a single task to complete, printer spooling allows multiple document files to queue up, enhancing printing efficiency. A queue ensures that print tasks are processed in the received sequence, preventing delays and optimizing printer resource usage.

  • Handling Website Traffic


In the digital realm, managing website traffic efficiently is critical. Queues come into play by implementing a virtual HTTP request queue. When website traffic exceeds capacity, users are directed to a waiting room, and a queue determines the sequential order in which they are allowed back to the website, maintaining fairness and user experience.

  • Routers in Networking


Routers, vital for network data movement, incorporate queues to handle incoming and outgoing packets. Queues in routers control packet transmission or discard, ensuring that data is processed in an organized manner. Various queuing disciplines like FIFO, Priority Queue, and Weighted Fair Queuing are employed.


What are Priority Queues?


A priority queue is a variation of a queue where elements are dequeued based on their priority. The highest priority element is dequeued first, introducing a crucial dimension to data management. Let’s explore the real-time applications of priority queues:

  • Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm


Applications of Priority queues are integral to Dijkstra’s algorithm, facilitating efficient extraction of the minimum element. In graph scenarios, where finding the shortest path is crucial, priority queues ensure that nodes with the highest priority (lowest cost) are processed first.

  • Prim’s Algorithm


Similar to Dijkstra’s, Prim’s algorithm utilizes priority queues for minimum key extraction. Priority queues aid in selecting and processing nodes with the lowest key, contributing to the algorithm's efficiency in constructing minimum-spanning trees.

  • Data Compression (Huffman Codes)


Priority queues find applications in data compression algorithms like Huffman coding. Huffman codes prioritize the encoding of characters based on their frequency, and a priority queue helps efficiently manage and process these characters.

  • A Search Algorithm in AI*


In artificial intelligence, specifically the A* search algorithm, priority queues are employed to manage the fringe or unexplored routes. Priority queues ensures that paths with the most promising routes (lowest cost) are explored first, contributing to optimal pathfinding in AI applications.

  • Operating Systems


One of the main applications of Priority queues is in operating systems for tasks such as load balancing and interrupt handling. By assigning priorities to tasks, the operating system efficiently manages the execution of processes, ensuring that higher-priority tasks are addressed first.

  • Optimization Problems


Priority queues find applications in various optimization problems, including Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms for minimum spanning trees. Efficiently managing and processing elements based on their priority is fundamental to solving optimization challenges.

  • Robotics and Event-Driven Simulations


In robotics, priority queues help plan and execute tasks based on priority, ensuring efficient and organized task execution. Event-driven simulations, such as network simulations, leverage priority queues to determine which events should be processed next, contributing to real-time simulations.

  • Medical Systems


Medical systems, particularly in emergency departments, utilize priority queues for triage systems. Patients are prioritized based on the urgency of their condition, ensuring that critical cases are addressed promptly.


Let us now move on to the next part of this blog, i.e, Aptitude courses online.


Top Aptitude courses online


Coding Ninjas – Aptitude Preparation Course


Coding Ninjas' Aptitude Preparation Course is a beacon for professionals seeking mastery in company aptitude tests. Boasting an enrollment of over 30,000 learners, this program stands out with its meticulous design, delivering over 30 hours of lectures and a challenging array of 250+ problems. Beyond conventional offerings, it provides personalized 1:1 doubt support, industry mentorship, and a flexible learning schedule.


Coursera – Introduction to Mathematical Thinking


Presented by Stanford University, this aptitude course online on Coursera caters to beginners, focusing on instilling a mathematical mindset. Covering crucial aspects like logic, mathematical reasoning, and problem-solving, this course serves as an excellent starting point for individuals venturing into the world of mathematics.


Udemy – Complete Aptitude Guide for Competitive Examinations


Udemy's Aptitude course online emerges as a powerhouse in the realm of aptitude courses. Addressing a spectrum of topics, including quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, and data interpretation, this comprehensive offering is tailored for competitive exams and job interviews. Learners benefit from practical skills essential for success in diverse assessment scenarios.


edX – Essential Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence


Crafted by Microsoft, “Essential Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence” on edX targets AI enthusiasts. This course not only imparts foundational mathematical concepts but also enhances both mathematical and logical reasoning skills. The unique focus on AI applications adds a contemporary and practical dimension to traditional mathematical learning.


Khan Academy – Algebra Basics


For a robust foundation in algebra, Khan Academy's “Algebra Basics” is a go-to resource. Offered for free and structured as a self-paced journey, this course is fundamental for mastering algebra – a cornerstone skill in aptitude tests. By providing a strong foundation, it serves as a stepping stone for individuals aiming for more advanced mathematical thinking.




In conclusion, the diverse applications of priority queues, ranging from optimizing algorithms like Dijkstra's to enhancing efficiency in medical systems, underscore their critical role in real-time scenarios. 


Moreover, for individuals seeking to master such aptitude in data structures, an Aptitude course online aptitude course provides a convenient and comprehensive way to acquire essential skills.