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When Acer palmatum is talked about, it is most often talked about in terms of its use in bonsai. However, Acer palmatum is also widely cultivated as ornamental trees for the home garden. There are many Acer palmatum that have been planted in home gardens that have become quite popular with their vibrant colors and forms.

What Acer palmatum types are there?

Acer Palmatum, commonly known as Japanese maple has around 70 species while Acer japonicum only has two species. The Acer palmatum types are more cold-hardy than Acer japonicum making them suitable for growing in more cold regions while Acer japonicum types tend to be better suited for warmer regions. Both acer palmatum and Acer japonicum have a wide range of colors on their leaves, making them great to choose from if you're looking for colorful trees in your garden.

What Acer palmatum types are best for a home garden?

There are Acer palmatum that grow into beautiful miniature forms as bonsai while others have more regular-sized trunks with gorgeous leaves which can be red, orange, or purple depending on the variety. Some Acer palmatum types stand out as being more cold-hardy than other Acer palmatum types so it is very important to know what varieties you will be growing so that they don't die during the winter months. Also, Acer palmatum can be propagated by cuttings so Acer palmatum types that grow into beautiful bonsai are ones that you can easily propagate on your own.

Some Acer palmatum types that are suitable for home gardens include; Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood', Acer palmatum 'emperor 1′, Acer palmatum ‘habuchan', Acer palmatum ‘itogawa', Acer palmatum var. atropurpureum, Acer palmatum var. dissectum , Acer palmatum f. atropurpurea, Acer palmatum variegata, Acer shirasawanuni nishiki and Acer tomentosulum (Japanese maple).

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