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Maggots in the ear (Myisis of the ear)

Aural Myiasis is an infection caused by maggots in which they feed off and develop in the ear tissue. It happens mostly in the areas where humidity is high and the weather is warm which provides the perfect surroundings for maggots to grow. This infection is common in village areas where people live close to animals.  It is mostly seen in the middle ear.


There are a few symptoms faced by patients, some of them are redness in the ear, irritation, movement in the ear, vomiting, pain, and diarrhea.


  • The patient is given anesthesia before the incision and removal of the maggot.  It can be very harmful if some part of the larva is left inside the ear cavity like swelling in the tissues, contamination, or a disease called a granuloma. Proper care should be taken to prevent this.  

  • Irrigation of the ear with water is the most common method for maggot extraction.

  • Antimicrobials are also given to patients to curb other infections. 

  • Another method is infusing lidocaine at the spot where the larva is dwelling.  This could prove to be toxic in cases of multiple larvae.

  • Suction is done to remove larvae with the help of a microscope. 

You can go home the same day and there are very less chances of getting any problems after that.

How to stop them  from entering your body?

Maggots are very tiny and because of their size they can enter anywhere in your body very easily and are capable of damaging the organs of your body. To prevent this, do these common things:

  • Always keep your surroundings clean.

  • Keep your eatables in airtight containers.

  • Don't use open garbage bags/bins for disposing waste.



Otoscopes are used to look in the ear cavity  to check the presence of maggots.


The ENT consultant Dr. Ashesh Bhushan assures painless treatment of maggot removal from your ear.

Get in touch with us to get an appointment.

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