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If you're a regular reader of our blog, then you know that we love to talk about the latest in digital marketing. From SEO and PPC to content marketing and social media, there are so many different facets of digital marketing that each touch upon various aspects like unique audience insights or cost-efficiency. But with so much going on in today's digital world, it can be hard to keep track of all the different types of marketing within this realm.

To help you out, we've put together a detailed article on the 7 types of digital marketing. This all-encompassing guide will teach you about each type of digital marketing, what it does and how it works.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing, also known as online marketing, is the promotion of brands utilizing the internet and other digital communication channels to reach potential clients.

Digital marketing is a catch-all term for all aspects of marketing. It encompasses everything from the most basic (like an email newsletter) to the most cutting-edge (like virtual reality). Learn about what are the reasons you should consider while choosing digital marketing as your career option.

The 7 Types of Digital Marketing are the Following:

The seven primary categories of digital marketing include the following:


SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it is a fundamental part of digital marketing. It is essentially the process of ranking higher in search engine results. When users search for something using a search engine, the results are often ranked by how relevant they are to those searches. If a site's content is closely related to the content someone seeks, and that site ranks higher than other sites with similar content, it will be more visible on these rankings. And thus more likely to be clicked on by users searching online.


SEO is the easiest type of digital marketing to implement. And it is done on an individual basis or a collective basis. Because this type of digital marketing is fairly straightforward, it is often overlooked, but it remains one of the most important in the long term.




CRM stands for customer relationship management. It's software that allows companies to track their customers' information, preferences, and interactions with their products/services. The information can then be shared with other members within a company and used to optimize every aspect of its offerings (product or service). In other words, CRM is a type of digital marketing that directly affects the customer experience.




PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising, and this type of digital marketing works on a cost-per-impression basis. This means that when a user clicks on an advertisement, the website pays an advertiser for each impression. Because there are so many advertisers competing for the user's attention; it is important to ensure that advertisements will be displayed to their target audience. This is where PPC comes in–it enables advertisers to discover how to deliver their message in the most effective way possible so they can attract high-quality customers with minimal expenses.

Content Marketing


Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that involves creating or sharing content. But it is usually textual––from blog posts to press releases to interactive media like videos. Content marketing often uses SEO and PPC, as well as social media platforms and other methods to spread the word about a company. Basically, it combines elements of social media marketing. I.e both SEO and PPC. It can be done on a simple basis by means of software, but it can also be done on more complex levels through more advanced methods.

Social Media Marketing


Social media is a form of digital marketing. That allows for companies to promote themselves through social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. These networks have millions (or even billions) of users across the globe, making them an effective way for companies to reach their target audience. Social media marketing also allows companies to establish relationships with consumers who understand what they are trying to say.

Marketing Automation


Marketing automation is a method of automating the tasks involved in digital marketing. In order to increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness, and it works by pulling information from all different aspects of digital marketing (SEO, PPC, etc.) and bringing it together through a central platform.

Automated marketing allows companies:

  • To target their audience more efficiently
  • Communicate with them more effectively
  • And get the most out of their current efforts.

Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate programs use similar products. So affiliates promote and sell a product or service in exchange for a commission on sales. Many bloggers use affiliate marketing as well. Affiliate programs are yet another way to reach a company's target audience. Why? because they're relevant to the audience. And they're trying to reach and they provide business opportunities to anyone looking to make money online.

How to be a skilled digital marketer?

You should understand how to use different digital marketing tools in addition to Google Analytics. You also have to oversee a group of digital marketing experts if you advance up more in the corporate ladder and become a digital marketing manager. The best way to get into the industry is with the assistance of digital marketing courses. Trusted and reputed institutes are providing digital marketing courses in Kolkata. To help aspiring digital marketers for getting into the field as skilled professionals. The tools which you will learn from these courses will help you a lot in starting your career. Well, you can do freelancing as well. Start your career as a freelancer and gradually grow your clients and business if you wish to work for yourself or launch your own digital marketing company.