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What Are the Astrological Aspects of Gemstones?

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Gemstones are truly a blessing that nature has provided us with. Gemstones are a complete package, serving us benefits along with being a beautiful stones to wear. There are around 200+ varieties of gemstones that mother nature has blessed us with.

If you are willing to see all of these gemstones then going to a wholesale gemstone seller is the best idea. They have a lot of variety to offer. Each gemstone has its own set of benefits and healing properties. Imagine how little there could be that these gemstones can’t solve.

Gemstones hold amazing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing properties. They are well-known in the astrology world. Astrologers recommend the best gemstone as per your zodiac sign for you based on your concerns. Well, it's kind of a backbreaking task too. Astrologers read through all your planets and, after thorough research, see what gemstone would suit you the best.

Let us give you a basic guide to the astrological benefits of gemstones. It's certainly not possible to provide the astrological benefits of all 200+ gemstones. So, let's have a look at some of the most common and popular astrological gemstones and their benefits.

  1. Emerald Gemstone: Emerald is a very popular stone that serves many benefits along with having an eye-catching appearance. The stone is a May birthstone and is also referred to as “panna” in Hindi. The lush green color of the stone is known to attract good fortune and abundance. The stone is commonly worn on your little pinky finger.

Benefits of wearing this stone:

  • Enhances communication skills
  • Encourages people to get involved in creative ventures
  • Helps boost the cash inflow and ensures more stability.
  • Known to attract fortune, fame, and success
  • Opens your creative mind corners
  1. The Ruby Gemstone: Beauty with benefits “Manik” is the Hindi name for this stone. Ruby is a much-loved stone in the gem and astrology worlds. The stone is easily available in the market, but the top quality of this stone is a little rare. The Burmese ruby is known to be the highest and most expensive quality of rubies. The stone is a July birthstone and hence is associated with the sun.

It is advised to wear this stone on your ring finger.

Benefits of wearing this stone:

  • It is known to improve relations with your parents.
  • removes the evil eye and eliminates all kinds of negative energies.
  • Helps anyone suffering with mental or emotional problems.
  • Proven to increase passion, intimacy, love, and warmth between partners
  1. Blue Sapphire Gemstone: A stone to ditch away all your blues with is this “Neelam” stone. Being a September birthstone, the stone benefits the Capricorn and Aquarius zodiac signs. The stone is supposed to go on your middle finger on the right hand.

Benefits of wearing this stone:

  • Improves your financial situation
  • Makes you a good luck attracting magnet
  • Build a shield and protect yourself from all the negative energies.
  • Brings more positivity and prosperity.
  1. Yellow Sapphire: Famously known as “pukhraj”, the stone represents the heaviest planet. Jupiter. Apart from being the September birthstone, the stone also affects the Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac signs. To avail of the benefits, one has to wear the stone on the index finger on the right hand.

Benefits of wearing this stone include:

  • Known to restore the warmth and harmony of a relationship.
  • Helps calm the mind and gives you more mental peace.
  • Is a magnet for health and wealth
  1. Opal Gemstone Online: A lucky September birthstone that is a beneficial stone for the zodiac sign Libra. The stone comes in various colors like white, green, pink, and blue. The stone is advised to be worn in your ring finger in gold or silver.

Benefits of wearing this stone include:

  • Improves one’s overall personality
  • Teach one to be kind, grounded, and caring.
  • Opens up one’s mind and welcomes a free flow of thoughts
  • Revamps the charisma of a person
  • Increases your charm
  1. Hessonite Gemstone: You must not have heard about this stone commonly. The stone is a very powerful stone. Known as “gomed”, the stone represents the mighty planet, Rahu. It is available in many colors like dark orange, light brown, etc.

Benefits of wearing this stone:

  • It boosts one's confidence and improves concentration abilities.
  • Keeps one calm and peaceful.
  • Reduces anger issues
  1. Cat's-eye Gemstone: A golden-colored stone that is no less than a lucky charm. The stone is well known for dealing with the impacts of Ketu. The wearer is supposed to wear this stone on the ring finger of their right hand.

Benefits of wearing this stone include:

  • Aids body ache, leukemia, hormonal imbalance, and many other such Ketu-related diseases
  • Helps one find love and passion in life.
  • Reduces all the inverse impacts of Ketu
  1. Red Coral Gemstone: A very powerful stone amongst the navratna is this red coral gemstone, or “moonga”. People with misplaced Mars in their birth chart are often advised to wear this stone. 

Benefits of wearing this stone:

  • Helps in removing obstacles that stop you from achieving something.
  • It helps anyone who is fighting for any kind of ownership.
  • Heals chronic diseases and hormonal imbalances
  1. Pearl Gemstone: The stone controls the planets that it resembles, which is the moon. A June birthstone that is highly beneficial for cancer, Sagittarius, Leo, and Pisces zodiac signs. The stone is advised to be worn on your forefinger or little finger.

Benefits of wearing this stone include:

  • Helps with any kind of mental issue
  • is known to cure chronic insomnia
  • Teach one to ditch anger and be more calm and composed.
  • Gives you more mental stability.

This was a brief on how your birthstones and gemstones affect you astrologically. Feel free to always pick out your lucky stone for your zodiac sign for your own benefit. The stones have very powerful effects on the wearer and hence should only be worn under expert advice. Always make sure to go to a certified astrologer in order to get your hands on the right gemstone.

Another person that you must look to in order to get the right gemstone is your jeweler. Always buy from a certified and trusted jeweler. One can easily get scammed while buying these precious gemstones. 

Try out these gemstones and watch your life change drastically for all the right reasons. Shop now! 

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