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Isn't plagiarising one of the most fascinating things? It definitely is. But as you know, “not everything that glitters is gold.” It is the same case with plagiarism, as it might be a quick fix for all the academic challenges, but it is a sin that can make you face severe consequences. Thus, it is why experts suggest you run your assignment on plagiarism checker free UK to ensure original content. Moreover, before exploring the causes of the same, learning more about the term is necessary first. 

What Is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is one of the easiest things that can help you complete your assignments easily. It is copying someone else’s work and presenting it under your name without giving them the credit. But do you know, you might face severe consequences if caught as it is an academic sin. It is one of the reasons for which your professors might force you to write your document on your own to make it original. Moreover, there are many things that cause plagiarism that will be discussed in the following segment, along with the solutions for the same. 

Causes and Solutions of Plagiarism

There are numerous causes for plagiarism to occur, but none of them will be entertained by your professor. Thus, you must overcome every reason and make your assignment 100 percent original and unique. Therefore, this section includes the causes and their solutions to reduce your burden a little. 

Lack of Confidence

Confidence is something that can lead you to copy other’s work. It is so because lack of self-confidence can make you think others can write better than you do. Thus, it is one of the major reasons why pupils commit the crime of plagiarism. 

What to do

You must read more and gain knowledge to increase your confidence in yourself and automatically reduce plagiarism.

Lack of Analytical Skills

To draft any academic write-up, you need to conduct research. But, before that, you have to analyse the question or the problem that you will be solving through it. However, many pupils do not have adequate critical thinking ability which enables them to analyse the research question. 

What to do

To improve your analytical skills, you must consider various perspectives for a specific topic first and then decide with which you will prove your point. 

Poor Time Management

Time is indeed limited to students as they have a ton of assignments to complete. Thus, managing them is the only thing one can do. But it is not everyone’s cup of team and makes them struggle. Sometimes, students plan tasks but cannot stick to them, which pushes them to copy from somebody else. 

What to do

Divide your time into the tasks you must complete by keeping priority tasks on top and stick to the schedule to finish them effectively. 

Inadequate Research

Now comes the most crucial and challenging part of the entire process of drafting the assignments. In this, most students are stuck and either look for assistance or simply use plagiarism techniques. The problem with this process is to find credible resources and fetch specific information from them.

What to do

This needs a lot of experience, but to ease the entire process, you can seek help with MBA assignment from the experts as they are the masters of the field.

Lack of Clear Argument

Creating clear arguments and justifying them is another tricky task that pushes students to copy something. But this is not a wise option to choose. Thus, you must either commit the crime or invest much time and effort. 

What to do

Ask for help or conduct thorough research to gather the information to help you justify your point of view. It will help you to prove your argument and add value to the document.

Poor Referencing Skills

Sometimes, you must copy something, as it cannot be changed to keep the meaning intact. Thus, in these situations, you must cite the sources whose information you are using appropriately. But this is not as simple as it looks while citing the sources; if you miss anything, it will come under the criterion of plagiarism. 

What to do

Check for the reference style that your university uses or recommends. It will ease the process half of the way to ensure correct citations. 


Many students have this habit of leaving everything until the last moment due to laziness. It makes them procrastinate in the beginning when they have ample time and stressed when the deadline approaches. Thus, this is another reason they ease their work by copying someone else’s documents. 

What to do

Start early to ensure you do not have to rush in the end when deadlines are around the corner. It is will give you enough time to draft an ideal assignment.

Unable to Cite Quotations

Using quotes from famous personalities is one of the most effective ways to engage tour readers. But at the same time, if you do not cite them accurately, you can commit an academic crime, plagiarism. It comes under accidental plagiarism but might have the same severe consequences. 

What to do

Create a reference list at the end of the document to cite all the quotes or use double quotes to highlight each quotation.

Desire to Score Well

It is a common thing that students want to score well but do not want to struggle and put effort in. Thus, they used the shortcuts like plagiarism. Although, through this, they might score well, they have to face severe consequences they get caught for the same, there can even be a suspension as well. 

What to do

Never use shortcuts, as they have more repercussions than the benefits they might serve. 


It is an end to the guide that equips you with tips or the ways thorough which you can ensure to submit an original assignment. It has a list of several tricks and techniques that will help you to stay away from the academic sin of plagiarism. Moreover, it is always suggested to be double-sure. Thus, you must run your entire content from a plagiarism checker free UK to deliver an original assignment every time.
