1. Pets

What Are The Clinical Signs Of Chocolate Poisoning In Dogs?

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Once a dog ingests too much chocolate, his symptoms will eventually show. Clinical signs vary according to the kind and quantity of chocolate consumed. Many dogs' most frequent clinical symptoms include excessive panting, urination, increased thirst, hyperactivity, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Muscle tremors, convulsions, and heart failure are signs that might appear in severe situations. The prognosis of the poisoning might get worse due to complications, including pneumonia caused by vomiting. Immediate veterinary care is advised if your pet consumes a dangerous quantity of chocolate.

The symptoms might not show immediately. Sometimes, it takes hours. If your dog ate many chocolates, expect his symptoms to last longer too. Dogs cannot metabolize theobromine. Therefore, it stays in their bloodstream. Luckily, it can still be eliminated from a dog's body when it gets absorbed by the bladder. Boost your dog's water intake if this ever happens to him. Once he urinates, the theobromine in his body will also be eliminated gradually.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital New Orleans, LA for proper medical attention.


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