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The most common reason behind revision rhinoplasty is not getting satisfaction with the nose job done by a surgeon to give the right shape to your nose or to provide you with the right solution for nasal problem you are facing. If you are looking for a change in nose shape and you find the new shape is not as per your requirement, you may require this process. However, you are advised to at least wait for a few months before considering the second surgery.


Here are the most common reasons to look for second surgery of nose job or revision rhinoplasty:

  • Your Nose is Scooped or saddle-backed
  • Noise is still too large or is asymmetric
  • Flat nose, pinched, crooked, hooked, pointy or has a hump
  • You are having problems breathing or your nose is angled too much or not enough

Don’t forget to note that revision rhinoplasty is not an easy task. You need to consult with experienced surgeons, who have expertise enough and proven track record of offering you such precise solutions. Find the right one of your choice, go through the details, and get the right surgery done in timely manner.

Online search will save you time and money and will surely provide you with the right solutions. It is important for you to find a specialist, who understands how to correct and improve on the negative outcome of the first surgery. Your surgery will not be performed until at least 6 months to a year after the initial procedure. It is the time-frame for your nose to completely recover and for the scar tissue to become established. Before starting revision rhinoplasty, your surgeon will do proper checkups or examine your noise to ensure it is healthy enough to withstand a second surgery.

Find a recognized clinic or a surgical hospital, where such types of surgeries are done successfully. From a selected and recognized hospital, you will also get a variety of other types of surgical procedures like china implant in Dubai, plastic surgery in Abu Dhabi, cosmetic surgery in Abu Dhbai, and revision Rhinoplasty.


Make a contact either by giving a call or sending a mail for initial consultation and get the right treatment solutions. All checkups are done properly; while attractive plans and packages are offered to you that will be another plus point for you.

Go through the details, and get the right solution according to your requirement. So, what you are looking for, make a contact as per your requirement and get the right treatment procedure.

Summary: Revision rhinoplasty is a procedure done at least six months to one year after the nose job. For this type of second surgery, you need to consult with experienced surgeons and get the procedure done.



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