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The right care and careful planning are a must for bringing a baby into this world. On average 16,720 babies take birth each hour throughout the world. Normal vaginal delivery is the safest way. There are enough ways to deliver your baby without any medication.

Natural delivery is a very beneficial way for both the mother and the baby. The baby also has a good immune system. But in caesarean birth, the baby misses out the good bacteria of the mother’s body. Vaginal birth delivery and VBAC delivery are the most common ways worldwide.

Delivery should be perfect for the health of the baby and his mother. Here are some natural and common ways for safe delivery.

  • Water delivery-

It is a less painful way of delivery. This method occurs in a birthing pool or a tub of warm water. It is more comfortable for the mother. Here are the benefits of water delivery-

  • It is less painful because water is a natural pain reliever. 
  • It less the risk of injuries during birth.
  • It is more convenient and soothing.
  • It helps in shortening the labor.

It is also a good option for a VBAC delivery. It is less complicated and speed up the process of recovery. The water temperature should be perfect for the health of your baby.

It also has some side effects like the mother and her baby can get an infection. But it can be avoided by carefulness.

  • Lamaze birth-

In 1950s, a French obstetrician whose name is Dr. Fernand Lamaze, began a natural birth technique named Lamaze method. It is a good example of vaginal birth delivery. Lamaze is a preparation method for a less painful delivery. In Lamaze, you have to start practice and breathing exercises before some weeks from delivery. Lamaze delivery is like a natural event. Lamaze is very popular in the US. It prepares the mother for safe delivery. Here are some tips for the mother-

  • Change positions and stay active.
  • Breathe deeply because oxygen is very important for both the mother and her baby.
  • After delivery, the baby and mother should stay close.

Lamaze birth technique boosts the mother's confidence. It is really good and totally vaginal stress-free. The mother should be committed and patient in this method. But it can cost high. It’s cost can vary according to the hospital. The average cost of the Lamaze technique is around $110 in India. 

  • The Bradley method-

Dr. Bradley had invented this technique. In this method, the mother is instructed to focus and control her pain. The book, “Husband-coached childbirth” tells us about the Bradley method. It works on a teamwork of husbands and wives. In this method, the couples manage the labor. You should eat a high protein diet like milk and eggs in the Bradley method.

This method is useful in both normal vaginal delivery and VBAC delivery. It is totally medication free and completely natural. During delivery, you have your partner with you. It makes the bonding strength and the mother feels comfortable with her partner.

According to the Bradley method, a mother should be-

  • Physically and mentally comfortable
  • She should take a balanced diet before and after the delivery
  • She should be with her husband or with a labor coach

Natural ways of vaginal birth delivery help in fast recovery. These are totally medication and intervention free, so these techniques contain less side effects in comparison of caesarean birth. Almost sixty-eight percent of women give birth to their baby through normal vaginal delivery. 

If you are thinking about natural birth methods, then go for it. Because these are safe. These are less costly and less complicated. Medication during delivery can cause side effects. Caesarean method can affect the mother's health. Natural birth can give the mother a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction. It doesn’t affect the growth of the child.  Yes, it can be very painful and also it can cause tearing. But these are normal.

In natural delivery the pushing time is short, and the mother is immediately ready to be breastfed. The mother should be committed and patient in vaginal birth delivery.