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3D models can be made with CAD: 

If you've ever attempted to manually design a 3D modelling service, you know how challenging and time-consuming. Your 2D model can be rapidly and easily converted to 3D using a CAD 3D modelling programme. And you need a CAD 3D model for the printer software to read if you intend to use 3D printing at any point during the product development process, such as fast prototyping.

CAD is simple to use and learn:

An intricate computer programme like CAD could seem impossible to understand, but that isn't the case. For engineers and product designers, or those with a background in design and a habit of thinking spatially, CAD is quite simple to master. The fact that you can use the same straightforward tools that we all use on our computers every day—cut, paste, copy, and delete—is one of the best things about CAD design and drafting. There is hardly any learning curve with these.

CAD designs can be nearly quickly duplicated:

You can duplicate a design using CAD software as often as you'd like. Compared to drafting services, this is a major advantage. It's crucial to duplicate your ideas if they need to be sent to several departments or another product designer.


CAD drawings may be readily adjusted:


A CAD design can be swiftly and easily modified for the second generation of a product. Additionally, you may track and save all of your edits in the file. This implies a decreased likelihood of improvements being forgotten or lost.

CAD files can be instantaneously and globally shared:

The product development process can be divided among several businesses in the global economy, some of which may be located on opposite sides of the globe from one. Sharing your designs and files with your coworkers is a simple necessity in these circumstances.

CAD files are safer than paper-based sketches:

The permission controls with CAD programmes can limit access to only the persons who need to see the file. This helps with security and prevents unauthorised alteration by anyone who isn't directly involved with the project. Even though security precautions can be taken with paper drawings, securing a paper design is impossible.