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What Are The Things That Are Included In A Bond Clean?

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A bond clean is a cleaning service that is left by the owner after they have moved out of their rental property. The purpose of a bond clean is to ensure that the property looks as good as possible when it is empty so that you won't be faced with any issues when you move in. You may be wondering what exactly goes into a bond clean. Here are some common things that are included:

Window cleaning

Window cleaning is a very important part of a bond clean. This is because it can make your home look better and generally improve the quality of life for you and your family.

Window cleaning involves removing any dirt or grime from the window surface, which may include using different tools depending on what kind of material your windows are made from. For example, if the surface is made from glass then it will be easier to get rid of marks by using a squeegee whereas if they're made from wood or plastic then you might just need some soap and water in order to get rid of any marks that have been left behind by dust particles that have settled there over time.

Carpet steam cleaning

Carpet steam cleaning is a great way to get your carpet clean. It does a better job of removing stains than traditional cleaning methods, and it can also remove allergens from your carpet.

The main reason that this works so well is because steam can penetrate deep into the fibers of your carpet, allowing it to break down dirt and grime while also killing germs and getting rid of odors that might be lingering in your home. This method is especially effective if you have pets or children who track mud into the house on rainy days!


One of the most important aspects of a bond clean is dusting. It is difficult for people to do it properly themselves, and professional cleaners will use a range of tools and techniques to ensure that all surfaces are as clean as possible. This includes:

  • Cleaning tops of doors and windows

  • Cleaning tops of shelves

  • Cleaning tops of doors

Wiping the entire house

Wiping the entire house

Wiping the entire house includes wiping the walls, doors, windows and floors. This is done to ensure that there are no marks left behind on them by dust particles or dirt.

Tile and grout cleaning

Tile and grout cleaning is a very important part of maintaining a clean home. If you don't have your tile and grout cleaned regularly, it can lead to mould, mildew, stains setting in and damage to the tiles themselves. This can be particularly dangerous if young children or pets are around as they could easily ingest any harmful bacteria that has built up on the flooring in your home.

Tile and Grout Cleaning Sydney

A bond cleaner will generally include tile and grout cleaning as part of their service. This is because this type of cleaning helps prevent stains from setting in which could potentially cause long-term damage not only to your flooring but also cause health issues for those who walk across it regularly throughout the day (such as kids going to school). They will also help remove any dirt or dust from under the tiles so that when people walk across them they won't slip over on any debris that was missed during regular housekeeping activities by yourself or others living at home with you!

Cleaning the toilets and bathrooms

The cleaning services will include a thorough detailing of the bathroom, including cleaning the toilets and sinks. This is something that many people don't do regularly on their own, so this is another way to make sure your bond cleaning service can provide value for you.

Sweeping and mopping

In addition to vacuuming and mopping, a bond clean also includes sweeping. This is done to remove dirt and dust from the floor. In other words, it's like vacuuming, but using a broom instead of a vacuum cleaner.

Mops are also used during cleaning services. They're often made of cotton or synthetic fibers—and sometimes both at once! The mop head can be swabbed into soapy water for mopping purposes; this is usually referred to as “wet mopping.”

Things that are included in a bond clean.

When you are searching for a bond cleaning company, it is important to know what is included in a bond clean. The most common thing that you will want to include in your bond clean services is the removal of mould and mildew. This can be difficult to remove by yourself because it requires special chemicals and skills that even an experienced cleaner might not have. If there is mould on any surfaces, we recommend hiring a professional cleaner ASAP because it can cause health issues such as respiratory problems, headaches or respiratory problems and asthma attacks among others if left untreated for too long!


When you’re looking for a bond clean with Professional Cleaning Services, you will get more than just a clean home. We offer a full range of services including carpet cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, window cleaning, and more. With our team of experts at your service, there isn’t anything that can stop us from leaving your house looking great!


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