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The fastest and most popular and fastest way for immigrants to get permanent residency in Canada is through express entry. Applying for immigration through express entry can be an exciting yet very challenging task. There are many reasons why applications for express entry get rejected. The rejection or denial of the application causes disappointment and frustration among applicants. The following are the top three reasons for the denial of an express entry application. And in situations like these, immigration services can assist you.

Inaccuracy In Documents

People make the mistake of submitting documents that are incomplete or have been expired. It is the most common mistake that people make.But this mistake is easy to fix. Before submitting any documents ensure to double-check. Immigration legal services can help you and also ensure that all the documents are correct and complete. For instance, many people make the mistake of attaching a reference letter that doesn’t prove any work experience. Immigration lawyers can assist you in this and ensure that you attach those reference letters for immigration which will help you in the express entry. Since employment reference letters for immigration are different.

Inability To Show Proof Of Funds

The applicants need to show proof of funds and should have sufficient funds available with them to support themselves and their families. The rule of showing proof of funds is only required if you are applying for express entry under Federal Skilled Worker Program. There are strict rules and regulations which need to be followed when it comes to proof of funds. The immigration lawyer or attorneys can help you with that. They can guide you through the specific rules that need to be followed so that your application is not denied.

Criminal Inadmissibility

Criminal inadmissibility means that the person is prohibited to enter the country due to their past criminal convictions. It can be a serious obstacle to immigrating or even traveling to Canada. For a crime to make a person inadmissible in Canada, it must be equivalent to a crime in Canada that can result in an indictment. However, there are ways in the Canadian Immigration System to help people overcome inadmissibility. Here also immigration attorney can assist you and help you navigate the complicated process.

Analyzing the eligibility criteria for express entry and making sure that your application does not get denied can be overwhelming. Seeking assistance from an experienced Canada immigration lawyer is the easiest way to minimize your chances of refusal of your Express Entry application.


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