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Turmeric (curcuma longa) is a super spice very commonly used in Indian cuisine, and now, it is gaining love from around the globe as it holds huge health benefits. However, no matter how healthy turmeric is, cooking with it can be a little tricky. Before you get your hands on this beautiful orangish-golden spice, first learn why you need to introduce it in your Cooking, its types, and which kind to use when- and importantly- how much to use at a time.

Also included are delicious recipes you can make with turmeric.

We all know how Indian Cooking is full of flavours, we have never crossed our paths with any one you can risk to cook a meal excluding mirchi (red chili pepper powder) and haldi (turmeric). One spice adds the exact fire and flavor in the Indian food, while one gives offers health and flavor, making them crucial.

Today in this article we will explore the real “spice” of turmeric powder; its health benefits and its value in everyday diet. We hope that this post will help you answer several culinary queries of yours.

Types of Turmeric

  1. Turmeric Powder.

Very popular and commonly known as the “king of spices,” is often found at the center of Indian spice boxes. You can see that it is often used in the kitchen, from golden milk to curries and veggies. It won't be wrong to say that it's a kitchen staple that every Indian mom uses in her kitchen.

  1. Dry Turmeric Root.

It's not commonly used in the food, but this rhizome is usually used in various religious ceremonies by Indians to fend off evil and illness.

  1. Leaves of Turmeric.

These are tall and narrow looking leaves with high antioxidant qualities. They are used in Indian cuisine for Cooking, such as “patholi” a steamed dumpling kind of dish, where the turmeric leave helps to give a distinct flavor as well as aroma to this amazing meal.

Benefits of turmeric powder

The superhero element of turmeric powder that provides enormous health benefits is curcumin, which is a potent antioxidant with many proven and positive health benefits. Research shows it could potentially help with:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Fighting viruses
  • Treating anxiety and depression
  • Reducing cholesterol
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Treating diabetes

However, wait before you immediately jump to use high amount of turmeric in your food or began taking turmeric supplements. You must consult your physician before to avoid any unfavorable side effects because many spices such as turmeric are strong and should not be used in large amounts.

Adding a dash of turmeric to your diet is the safest way to consume it. You can reap the benefits of this spice without harming yourself. Go for 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon in a meal for 4–6 servings.

How can turmeric be prepared for maximum flavor and health benefits?

Turmeric powder shouldn't be used raw in cooking; instead, it should be “bloomed” in some oil. This eliminates the sharpness and astringency. To do this, add the turmeric powder and sauté in a pot with other spices and ingredients until you have significant moisture builds. In the pot, you can add tempering mustard, cumin seed, or other whole spices. Consider using some black pepper as well while you use turmeric while cooking; it helps improve curcumin absorption in your body.

Bottom line.

Using turmeric powder regularly in your Cooking or dishes can significantly impact the taste and nutritional value of your food. Each type of turmeric comes with its own list of uses and benefits, whether it is used in powdered or in whole root form. Use turmeric carefully and in limited amount to while combining it with oil for good health benefits.

Happy Cooking!