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Brushing and flossing are the most effective methods to avoid cavities; however, cleaning the crevices and corners of your mouth can be a challenge. Food particles left in your mouth can trigger a chain reaction, which reduces the strength of your teeth and puts you at risk for dental decay. When your teeth appear susceptible to decay, sealants could aid in preventing dental cavities from developing. The most experienced dentists at the top dental clinics often recommend dental sealants to protect the teeth's weak regions. They function as a shield to block out the food debris, plaque and other germs that can lead to cavities.

What are Dental Sealants?

A dental sealant can be an effective way to avoid tooth decay from developing inside your tooth, which could reduce the cost of root canals, as well as other dental procedures. Dental sealants are a thin, clear, or white dental coating that is directly applied to the tooth by your dentist.

Molars and Premolars are the most commonly used dental teeth to require sealing since they perform the majority of chewing. Dental sealants consist of liquids that are applied to the teeth to close out the gaps and spaces and are afterwards dried using a particular curing light.

It also stops plaque and acids from degrading the teeth's enamel. Based on the number of teeth that need to be sealed process could last anywhere from a few seconds to an hour and is not painful. Based on the American Dental Association, a dental sealant applied to permanent molars can reduce the risk of dental cavities by up to 80%.

When is the best time to seal your teeth?

Permanent molars are more prone to tooth decay, and they benefit the most from sealants for dental use. The majority of tooth decay starts in small pits, grooves, and crevices found on the surfaces that bite back tooth (molar). The permanent molars are seen at six years of age.

Sealing the teeth at the time they appear will help ensure they're free of cavities from the beginning, thus saving time and cost in the long run. Certain children's teeth grow by receding. In certain circumstances applying sealants to children who are younger may be an alternative. Ask your dentist if sealants would be a good choice for your family and you.

What is the process by which dental sealants are applied?

  • First, your dentist will employ an explorer to look at the back of your teeth and look for any grooves.
  • The dentist will then cleanse the teeth and then dry them by applying an acidic gel over the surface of your teeth. Acidic gels are used to make the surfaces of your teeth for the sealant. The liquid smooths the surface of your teeth, allowing the sealant to be bonded properly to your teeth.
  • The dentist will clean any gel that remains on the teeth and then dry it thoroughly.
  • The sealant then gets applied to the enamel of your teeth using a small brush. The dentist then cures the sealant with the unique blue light.

It is suggested that you visit your doctor at least once each six-month period. This can vary based on your current state of health. If you're looking to purchase dental sealants, call TeethCare Multispeciality Dental Clinic to schedule an appointment.

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