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It takes months to find a customer… seconds to lose one; the importance of customer service in the eCommerce industry is felt today. Great customer service yields great ROI and customer satisfaction. In the present market scenario, where products and prices don’t make much difference, customer-centric service is the key to staying ahead. So, if you want to build a successful eCommerce business, make sure you get the support to offer outstanding eCommerce customer service.

If you are here, we assume you want to know how to offer great customer service and why it is important for eCommerce. We will take you through all the alleys, but first, make sure you find the right eCommerce call center partner. Getting the right kind of help at the right time can help in cost-cutting, which most eCommerce brands always look for and achieve service excellence.

So, if your customers aren’t happy about your customer service outsourcing and you are unable to hold them back, there are some changes you need to make. You need to think differently and work on your loopholes. For that, you have to get along with this blog and find out how to get started.

What are the types of eCommerce customer service?

Customer service has many forms and types. It varies from industry to industry. The approach that is required for a small online retailer will be different from a global eCommerce brand. An inbound call center serving global eCommerce brands rarely has face-to-face interaction with customers. They resolve customer queries over chat, email, phone, and social media platforms. On the other hand, a local e-commerce service provider may have to meet customers face-to-face. Most eCommerce buying journey takes place online. It is easier to track and manage the services, solve return and refund-related grievances and seamlessly accelerate order processing. An eCommerce business comprises a league of its own – it requires answering services, order processing and taking, live chat support services, accounting process, content management, and a gamut of functions. Most of these non-core services are outsourced today to an eCommerce call center.

How is customer service different for eCommerce than other sectors?

Most eCommerce companies have a hard-to-define target market. When your targeted market is not defined, it becomes difficult to prepare for customer support. Your customers could speak any language, can be from any part of the world. You can’t ask your customers to learn English before purchasing from your site. You can’t ask your customer to leave because you don’t understand their language. You can’t miss customer queries over social media during odd-hours because you have no customer service reps present. A BPO company ensures that you get all-around support to be present in front of your customers 24/7. They provide multilingual, multichannel support in terms of infrastructure as well as skilled human resources. They put a little strategy into each interaction because customer retention is at the heart of every communication.