1. Environment

What can individuals do to be carbon neutral?

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No wonder there have been negative changes in the environment which can be highly bothersome. The main role behind this uneven change in the environment is because of human beings. The rise in global warming has been alarming for years now and every individual is trying to understand it now by adopting carbon neutral ways and accepting various carbon offset programs. They are trying to be more sustainable but are always looking for better ways to be carbon neutral. 

There are many things that can be done by an individual to be carbon neutral. It is not necessarily required to change your lifestyle completely. But with some changes here and there everything can be sorted and you can start your personal journey towards being carbon neutral. 

Get to know about carbon neutrality 

A lot of people who have just started with their carbon neutrality journey or just want to do it are often confused when understanding its meaning. Being carbon neutral is all about knowing the right way to combine the reduction as well as offsetting carbon emissions. Plus, your net contribution of various greenhouse gases in the atmosphere should be zero.

This concept can be relatively confusing initially but is beneficial for the individuals as well as the environment. A lot of people have their concerns about how feasible this would be economically as well as practically. But there are many simple and sorted ways for everyone to reduce their carbon emissions. Also, the use of the EPA carbon footprint calculator can help you to know about your overall emissions, and later you can start working on them. 

Ways to reduce your carbon emissions and be carbon neutral 

To lead a sustainable and carbon neutral lifestyle, there are certain ways to do this. All these ways mentioned below are simple to follow and will help you be in a safe place for a long time. 

  • Check your environmental impact – The initial step to being carbon neutral is to check your personal habits which are creating carbon emissions. These areas need the highest improvements and can be done by involving yourself by engaging in various carbon offset programs. 

You need to work on your carbon footprint. This is the amount of impact which any individual has on the environment by various greenhouse gases produced in the environment because of their activities in one year. To find your carbon footprint as an individual you can go through the EPA carbon footprint calculator which will help in highlighting the areas of your life that are causing high carbon emissions. Later, you can work on its reduction. 

  • Reduction in your footprint – After checking your footprint of yours, it is time to work on its reduction by adopting various ways by which you can reduce your carbon emissions. The major way to reduce your footprint is by pondering your transportation. 
  • Transportation – Your transportation habits of yours highly contribute to the carbon footprint. Every individual has their own vehicle which is the reason that you should reduce personal transportation emissions. What you can do is by adopting ways to drive efficiently. Also, try to maintain your vehicle which can help in many ways. Plus, try to follow the speed limits, accelerate, as well as decelerate accordingly. 
  • Drive less when not required – If you are going out and there is an option to not drive then opt for it. You can try carpooling or taking public transportation instead of driving your own car. This will help in saving your energy, and time, and will reduce carbon emissions. 
  • Go for green vehicles – The next time you decide to buy a new vehicle you can opt for green vehicles which are energy efficient. You can even check the green vehicle guide to know more about it. 
  • Home power – Other things to reduce your carbon footprint is by working on your home. You can make your home more energy efficient by taking various steps mentioned below: 
  • Cooling and heating settings – The best way to make your home energy efficient is by ensuring that it is insulated properly. This is highly important around water heaters, windows, pipes, etc. There are various carbon offset programs that can help you understand it better. Also, ensure that air conditioners and heaters are off when you are not using them or not at home. 
  • Laundry – This step can also help in making sustainable changes in your lifestyle. The energy emissions are created by using a washing machine which involves heating water. Thus, you can opt for cold water settings to reduce their impact on the environment. 
  • Electronics – There are many electronics that seek power from the socket even when they are turned off. This is the reason that you should go for sustainable appliance usage. Try to turn off the appliances when they are not in use. Or you can buy appliances that are Energy Star rated for better efficiency. 
  • Shopping – No wonder your shopping habits also affect the environment. Changing your shopping habits can also help you to be carbon neutral. Also, you can check your shopping carbon emissions on the EPA carbon footprint calculator. To work on it, what you can do is try to reuse your clothes which you have not worn in years. Also, if anything is torn then you can simply repair it and then wear it. There are various clothing materials that can be recycled rather than simply thrown in the garbage. Moreover, you need to change your purchasing habits if you want to reduce your carbon footprint. Try to get second-hand items rather than simply going for new ones. Or you can do conscious shopping. 


Now you have the right resources to measure your carbon emissions and various ways to adjust your lifestyle to reduce the emissions. It is highly important that you follow the above-mentioned points to be carbon neutral and preserve the planet you are living on. 



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