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First and foremost, if it does appear that your pet cat is losing weight but there have been no changes to her levels of physical activity and diet, then you will want to set an appointment with your veterinarian for a check-up.  This is not something that you should take lightly.

The veterinarian will surely ask several questions, examine your pet, and perhaps even have blood tests performed so they can better understand what could cause this unexplained loss of weight.  Treating feline weight loss depends on the cause.  The vet might use a feline weight chart for weight reference classified by age so they can determine how far away from normal cat ranges your pet is.

If your cat’s weight loss does not stem from something pathological, then she might be experiencing stress from something in your home.  Try to evaluate your home for things like the proximity of her litter box to her eating spot or her food bowl’s cleanliness.  Cats are finicky creatures, as are a lot of humans.  As your pet’s keeper, it will be your responsibility to offer a healthy and safe environment for your cat.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Chesapeake, VA for proper medical attention. More tips can be found at your Barker Animal Hospital.