Motor Vehicle Accident Leads for Lawyers via Live Call Campaigns
There are a lot of reasons why a lawyer would be interested in opting into a live-call campaign for Motor Vehicle Accident leads. The payout on motor vehicle accidents is attractive, and live call campaigns have the highest conversion rates in the industry. When legal marketers review the conversion rates between legal lead generation campaigns and live-call campaigns they find that it is some of the best law firm advertising you can engage in. Here are some law firm advertising examples that highlight the potential of these types of legal marketing campaigns. Read through these marketing tips for lawyers, and see how to promote your law firm with live call campaigns.
Why opt for live call campaigns for Motor Vehicle Accident Leads?
When you receive a live-call lead you are reaching someone at the exact moment that they are looking for a lawyer, and when they have the highest intent. These people have had all the details of their case reviewed by a trained agent, and they have the greatest potential for converting into clients.
Live calls are also highly targeted by geographic area, and validated by the agent so that you will never have to waste your time with a prospect who is in the wrong jurisdiction of the case. This makes this form of advertising also the best use of your time. There is less margin of error than in some other lead generation campaigns, because the live agent verifies the details of the case, and gets clarifications on the details of their motor vehicle accident.
When choosing your live-call legal marketing partner you will want to choose a partner who specializes in exclusive leads. This guarantees the highest chance of converting a friendly and eager client. You will also want to select a partner who is dedicated to a high level of TCPA compliance, and who has the sophistication to maintain these call records for the 7-years required by law. By having a reputable partner with this capability, they can eliminate the risk to your law practice.
Additionally, you will want to make sure that your live-call partner verifies the clients against both the national Do-Not-Call list and the Litigator Scrub lists. This ensures that your law practice is participating in the most respectful calling campaigns. It also guards your team against professional plaintiffs who are engaged in scams or other fraudulent behavior. Furthermore, it’s really helpful if you have a live-call lead generation partner who blocks duplicates. This means you’re only getting quality leads, right when the person is looking for a lawyer, and right when they are available to talk about their case.
How are Motor Vehicle Accident live calls generated?
They are created in a number of ways. The highest quality live calls result when someone types a search in a search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. Legal marketers bid on google Adwords to appear in the top search results for these consumers. The consumer then obtains more information on a professionally developed website. If they are ready to be contacted by a lawyer, they will request to be contacted for more assistance. Motor Vehicle Accident Leads for Attorneys
Our call center agents review the submission of their case, and then call them to validate the details of that case with the person on the phone. If the consumer has all the makings of a great case, they are transferred to your office. Our agent will stay on the phone, and make sure the transfer goes smoothly leaving your team to retain the new client.
Clients are also obtained by social media marketing, and display ads. However, they are never obtained by aggressive unsavory marketing tactics such as sweepstakes promotions, pop-up ads, SMS texts, under misleading false pretenses, or with hateful discriminatory language.
Find New Leads without the hassle
At Grow My Firm Online we have been delivering highly qualified Live-Calls to lawyers from reputable sources for over 4 years. All of our websites are professional, and fully disclose our services. You never have to worry about the source of your call campaign being an unreputable website, or unwelcomed marketing tactic. The way we find our leads, and provide them to lawyers is meant to enhance the reputability of law firms. So that each time you pick up the phone you know that you have a qualified client, who has been handled respectfully, in full compliance of TCPA regulation, and from reputable high-intent sources. If you would like more information about how to market law firms, or more marketing ideas for law firms request more information below.