1. Food

What Do Sugar Gliders Eat As Pets?

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As popular exotic pets, many people are curious what sugar gliders eat. They’re small marsupials with a unique membrane between their “wrists” and ankles that helps them travel among trees.

Sugar gliders are omnivorous, eating carbohydrate-rich sap and gums from eucalyptus and acacia trees, nectar, honeydew, and insects. They also use their specialized lower incisors to chew through tree bark and a lengthened fourth digit on the manus to extract food. what do sugar gliders eat?

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Sugar gliders are omnivorous, and they are able to eat many different types of fruits and vegetables. They also eat some insects, especially in the summer, to satisfy their nutritional needs.

In addition to fresh fruits and vegetables, protein is an important part of their diet. They also need adequate amounts of calcium and phosphorus.

The best fruits and vegetables for sugar gliders are those that are low in oxalates, such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, spinach, carrots, beets, pears and collard greens.

They should make up less than 10 percent of their diet.

A sugar glider’s dietary needs are complex, and they need to be fed a wide variety of foods. This requires a lot of patience and attention.

Some owners choose to supplement their sugar glider’s diet with supplements and vitamins. This helps ensure that they are getting the nutrition they need to live a happy and healthy life.

Leadbeaters Formula

In captivity, a sugar glider's diet should mimic the foods found in their natural environment. This includes an insectivore diet consisting of calcium-loaded insects (crickets, mealworms, waxworms, cockroaches, moths) for dental health and a daily nectar substitute to meet their need for sap.

Feeding a healthy, varied diet to sugar gliders in captivity is critical to their long-term health and well-being. Nutritionally balanced diets have been developed for other species, and these can be successfully fed to captive sugar gliders.

To mimic their natural diet, a sugar glider's diet must contain both fruits and vegetables. They should be offered fresh fruit daily and a variety of vegetables at other times during the day. Depending on their activity level, reproductive status or growth condition, their diet should be increased or decreased.


Sugar gliders are marsupials native to Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia that have been blessed with the ability to glide through the trees in their natural habitat.

In the wild, these animals eat a variety of insects, small lizards and birds to meet their protein needs. They also consume carbohydrate-rich sap and gums from eucalyptus and acacia trees, honeydew, pollen and manna.

They eat as much as 10% of their weight each day. It is important that you provide them with a diverse diet to meet their nutritional needs and prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Crickets, mealworms and other live insects can be offered to your glider as a source of protein. However, these foods should be supplemented with a calcium-rich insectivore or carnivore diet to ensure your pet receives the nutrients it needs.


Treats can be a great way to encourage your glider to eat more of their pellet diet. They are also an excellent way to reward your pet for good behavior or simply to have a little fun with them.

Some of the best treats for sugar gliders are frozen fruit and veg, dried fruits or vegetables, yoggies, meal worms (dried, live or canned), and raw unsalted nuts. You can find these preservative free treats in most pet stores online and local to you.

Treats should only make up around 5 percent of a sugar glider’s daily diet, so it is important to be sparing with them. Some owners even recommend only giving treats once a day, or one every few days. please visit here sugarglider.website for more information.


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