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Numbing gels are often used to numb the area of the mouth that will be treated with an anesthetic. These numbing agents also make you less aware of the procedure that is being done and can alleviate the need for a local anesthetic in many cases.

Gentle painless dentistry Atlanta is a type of dental care that prioritizes patient comfort and reduces the likelihood of dental fear and anxiety. It can be used in a wide variety of procedures, including root canals, tooth extractions, and other restorative treatments that require local anesthetic or sedation.

Nitrous oxide is another type of sedation that we can use at our office to make your visit to the dentist a positive experience. Once a patient inhales this gas, they will feel a sense of well-being or floating, as if they are in a relaxed, dream-like state.

Oral sedation medications are also a popular sedation option for those who are nervous about their visits to the dentist. You can choose to take oral sedatives in pill form, or you can have the medication delivered through an IV. These options are available to patients who are anxious or nervous about their visit to the dentist, and they can also be used in conjunction with other sedation techniques that we offer at our office.

Sedation can be used for any type of procedure that we are performing, from routine dental cleaning to complicated restorative treatments. This type of sedation can help you relax and relieve the fear of going to the dentist, which is one reason that so many people are afraid to go for regular checkups and cleanings.

Some of the sedatives that we may utilize during your appointment are oral conscious sedation, inhalation sedation, IV sedation, and general anesthesia. The sedatives will be chosen carefully by our dentist so that we can ensure you are comfortable and in the best possible condition before any treatment begins.

Inhalation sedation of Gentle painless dentistry Atlanta can be used for both simple and complex procedures, such as wisdom teeth removal. Once you inhale this gas, you will feel a sense of well-being that makes the procedure seem to pass by more quickly.

It is important to note that sedatives like nitrous oxide and oral sedation only suppress feelings of anxiety, so it’s still a good idea to practice proper oral hygiene at home and attend regular appointments.

If you have any questions about sedatives or need to schedule your next appointment, call our office today. We would be happy to help you get started on your path to a brighter smile!

The benefits of painless dentistry are extensive. They include relief from pain, decreased stress, and anxiety, and reduced overall cost of dental care with the best dentist in Atlanta.

Keeping your teeth healthy is essential for a long and happy life, which is why we strive to provide the best dental care to our patients at Lane Ends Dental Practice. We do this through a combination of ‘pain-free' micro-dentistry and minimally invasive treatments for problems such as cavities, decay, gum disease, and dental restorative work.


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