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There are many of us out there who have crooked or misaligned teeth. This might be the reason for concern because it undermines your confidence and can lead to a slew of health issues down the line. Braces have always been a simple remedy to this problem. Invisalign is a new treatment option. If you are looking for Invisalign Chula Vista, then you can contact us.

1- Don't Underestimate Yourself!

People frequently spend a significant amount of time considering Invisalign before speaking with an orthodontist. This is quite natural and reasonable; after all, they are your teeth! However, you may be overthinking certain parts of Invisalign that are unnecessary.

2- The Time It Takes To Complete Invisalign Treatment Varies From Person To Person

Before you begin Invisalign treatment, you should probably know how long it will last. Most people may expect it to last around a year on average. Of course, this is dependent on the condition of your teeth and the amount of treatment that has to be done. If your teeth are only slightly misaligned, or if one or two teeth are out of place, it may only last a few months. Similarly, if your teeth are in poor condition, they may last longer.

3- Don't Forget To Floss

Whenever you see your dentist, he or she will undoubtedly advise you to floss every day. Do you engage in it? I believe we can all agree that relatively few of us floss every day! It appears to be a hassle, and we just opt not to do it since we are not in the habit of doing it. Flossing is more crucial than ever with Invisalign because you need to keep your teeth and gums as clean as possible. 

4- For a Few Days, Our Speech May Be Affected

When you initially start wearing your first aligner, it may affect your speech and cause you to have a slight lisp. However, your tongue should rapidly adjust to it, and your speech should return to normal within a few days.

5- There are No Hot Beverages.

The heat from a hot beverage may cause the plastic to soften and alter its shape, causing the aligner to no longer to straighten your teeth as intended. When you have your aligner on, you should only drink cold water.

6- Remove Invisalign When Eating or Drinking Anything Other Than Cold Water

Yes, you should avoid eating while wearing your aligner. However, you can take it out during meals. Make sure you don't eat marathon meals that last more than two hours a day, as you'll need to wear your aligner for the whole 22-hour period. When you have the aligner on, you can only drink cold water. If you have problems with your Invisalign, then family dentistry in Chula Vista can help you to solve your problems.

7-  You Keep It in The Majority of The Time

For the treatment to operate properly, you must wear your Invisalign aligner for 22 hours every day.

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