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Many households still use septic systems. They efficiently help in treating wastewater from the houses with a combination of nature and reliable technologies. Usually, septic tanks require professional cleaning and pumping every three to five years. Shorty's Sanitary offers expert septic services in Oakland County, MI. However, that does not mean that you neglect them in the meantime. As a septic system owner, it is your responsibility to ensure proper upkeep to prevent septic system failure. There are many reasons that can cause an overwhelmed septic system to require more frequent pumping, lead to wastewater back up into the house, or bring long-term and expensive problems.

Too Small Tank

Generally, the size of a septic tank depends on the number of bathrooms and bedrooms in a household. As the number of people in the house can change over time, it is not always possible to accurately measure how much the septic tank will be used. When you have a septic tank that is too small, it often results in problems, for instance, overflow. It is best to call for professional septic service in Walled Lake to avoid serious issues.

Overused Tank

Even when you have a septic tank of the right size, you can still face problems when the water utilization habits are extreme. Using water constantly to shower or wash hands, clothes, or utensils causes an increase in the flow of water in the septic tanks, not allowing the existing water to drain out properly. The tank may become overworked and break down when you use excessive water unnecessarily on a daily basis.

Septic Drain Field Issues

The wastewater goes through a pipe from the septic tank to the leach field, where it percolates into the ground gradually. However, if you are noticing back up into your homes, chances are your septic drain field is clogged or overflowing. The entire system is at risk of collapsing if the drain field were to malfunction. For exceptional septic cleaning service, contact the experts at Shorty's Sanitary.


Septic experts recommend avoiding dumping harsh chemicals down the septic tanks. The chief reason is these chemicals can affect the sensitive environment in the septic system by killing the beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that help break down the solids. A functional septic system needs good bacteria to work efficiently. In their absence, the waste won't break down enough to keep the system running. Never pour significant amounts of harsh substances like bleach, oil, grease, or paint down your system's drain.

Shorty's Sanitary has been serving the Southeast Michigan community since 1949. Their expert team strives to meet and fulfill your needs. If you are looking for septic tank pumping or other septic services in Oakland County, MI, call 248-332-6476.