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Guide On Ways to Earn 7 Figure Salary


Indeed, every person dreams of becoming a billionaire one day, either by earning from a full-time job or running a business. 

First, let’s see 7 figure salary meaning –

“A seven-figure salary is an annual income of over a million dollars.” 

The term indicates a salary significantly higher than the average and is typically earned by high-level executives, entrepreneurs, and individuals in high-paying professions such as medicine, law, and finance.

A seven-figure salary is a goal for many people and requires hard work, dedication, and investment strategies.

For any Indian middle-class working person, earning a 7 figure salary is the first step towards becoming a billionaire. 

Moreover, this figure also starts increasing to 8 and even 9 depending upon a person’s aspirations.

Also read: 5 Best Courses To Do After MBA In Marketing; A Resourceful Guide!

In addition, many more prominent corporate companies and MNCs pay their employees seven or more than 7 figure salary and performance-based incentives every month. 

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A typical 7 figure salary pays you anything around 10,00,000 to INR 99,99,999 per month in India. Crazy earning goals, right?

While on the other hand, it is equally challenging to grab a job that will pay a 7 figure salary. From writing a job-winning resume to cracking the interviews, a 7 figure salary demands a lot of employability skills from its aspirant. 

7 Steps to Earn 7 figure salary within 7 Months

However, if you aspire to earn a 7 or more 7-figure salary within 7 months, you should follow these 7 great steps.

1. Study the market

You know what industry you belong to. Just make sure to study its know-how. Read magazines or online resources like Business Today to stay updated about the market. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What makes the market great?
  • Future scope and growth?
  • For how long will it exist?
  • And most importantly, how long will you sustain in the market? 
  • Next, which companies are open to job profiles from this market? Are you really planning to give it a try?

The above questions should force you to read and learn more to help yourself sustain in the market for a long. 

See, the more aware you are, the better the chances of you becoming an expert and earning great for your expertise.

2. Ask an Expert

Experts who have experienced market players. Along with the research, count on seeking guidance from an industry expert. Ask yourself – Does your core interest lie in management? Do you look forward to earning a 7 figure salary? 

It’s high time you take an expert’s advice. See how big management leaders managed to grow big, seek important tips and advice, and interact with them. In the end, you will get all your doubts cleared. 

3. Upskill, update, upgrade

Every industry has its own parameter to gauge employees’ skills. Hone your existing skills and upgrade yourself by learning new ones. 

With an evolving market, even you should evolve. Update your knowledge system and upgrade yourself to a better professional. Bag that 7 figure salary job through your excellence. 

Click here: Want to upskill to land your next job? Register here!

4. Shortlist the top companies

You might have come across top industry-leading companies. 

These are some of which you have always wanted to be a part of. It’s time you start shortlisting them if landing a 7 figure salary job in one of those leading companies is your dream. 

See how well they are playing in the industry and what the turnover is, their brand credibility and everything that will excite you. Now, don’t just dream; prepare to become one of those top companies.

Click here: Prepare for your next interview in top companies with Expertrons

5. Learn how to approach

Along with excellence comes your approach. Build a job-winning resume, prepare your best for the interview, and bag that 7 figure salary job in your dream company. 

Sounds easy, right? And It is! All you have to do is stand appealing among the hundreds of job applications they receive daily. Aspire to achieve through excellence.

6. Become an Expert in your field

By becoming an expert in your field, you can potentially earn a high salary as a speaker, author, or thought leader.

By publishing articles, speaking at conferences, and building your network, you can establish yourself as a respected authority and attract high-paying clients or speaking engagements.

7. Maintain, Sustain, and Earn 7 figure salary

It is important to maintain your position. Learn what can help you improve and progress. Everything nowadays has been replaced by advanced technology. 

Keep yourself technologically skilled. All the challenges that come your way should help you find success in every step. Simply put, don’t settle for less. Aspire to an 8 figure salary package.

Whether you start your own business, invest in real estate, get involved in the stock market, or pursue a career in a high-paying field, there are many ways to reach this financial milestone. 

The key is to find what works best for you and to work towards your goal consistently. 

Also read: Human Resources: A Stressful Job? Know everything here!


In conclusion, earning a 7-figure income is a realistic goal that anyone can achieve with hard work and dedication. 

Remember, earning a 7-figure income is not a sprint but a marathon. It takes time, effort, and patience, but with a clear plan and the right mindset, you can reach this financial goal and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

Expertrons Program is the best career transformation program where we train aspirants like you. Top companies will want to hire you if you get trained with us. 

To summarise, you get top-notch career guidance, career hacks, and job referrals in top companies through Expertrons.

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